HUSSEIN Obama’s (American) Brotherhood Mouthpieces THREATEN: If Trump Elected, Attacks In U.S. Will SKYROCKET!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki






UNBEKNOWNST to most, masked underneath seemingly innocuous and non-threatening milieus, lie inherent dangers. Not only that, the signs and signals are, for the most part, “hinted” at by “polite” discourse, alas, most fail to ferret them out. Therein belie the “hidden” warning(s)!

IN this regard, let’s take an intrinsic look-back at one of HUSSEIN Obama’s “pet” Islamists: Linda Sarsour, aka “Lindala.” Much more than meets the naked eye.

AT the beginning of 2015, almost a year to date, this investigative journalist decided it was imperative to feature (as well as introduce) a not too well-known Islamic mouthpiece, one who happens to have the ear of HUSSEIN Obama and surrogates alike. Hmm.

INTRODUCING, Linda Sarsour, Islamic supremacist… a “Palestinian”… an apologist extraordinaire….Profile: she is the National Advocacy Director for the National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York and lead organizer for The Campaign to Take on Hate. Follow her on Twitter at @lsarsour)

TRUE to form, shakedown artists do what they do best – con and deceive, be they radical leftists or Islamists. We all know this is the truth, even if apologists dodge, weave, spin and scream from the rooftops: up is down, black is white and right is wrong. Topsy turvy too.

MOREOVER, while so-called mainstream media lie like drunken sailors, counter jihadists aren’t even allowed to make genuine mistakes, nor are they given any leeway for the tiniest of misquoted details. What gives?….

TRAGICALLY, Islamic jihadists know their prey very well, yet, too many westerners hardly have a clue, as to what drives them to rampage and slaughter. Duped.

BACK to Sarsour and her feigned “outrage”, whenever any linkage is made between Islam + Muslims relative to terror. Or, in pure mathematical terms, via the Transitive Law: if A bears some relation to B and B bears the same relation to C, then A bears it to C.

SO Lindala, is this logical construct too complicated for a woman who wears many Islamic/Arab hats, that is, when the object lesson is truthfulness, instead of disinformation? Inquiring minds want to know.

Here is an example of how Leftists and Islamic supremacists advance the “Islamophobia” myth: as far as they are concerned, Islam and Muslims are entirely guiltless in all respects, and the only reason why anyone is suspicious of them is because of a well-heeled “Islamophobia industry” that works full-time, for unaccountable reasons, “to vilify Islam and Muslims.”…continue reading

NOW, said intro was not for nothing! 

AS we shall see, for all intents and purposes, “Lindala”, in her role as (one of) HUSSEIN Obama’s preferred “pets”, feels brazenly confident, so much so that she took no issue with the following threat: If voters elect Trump, well, they will be responsible for skyrocketing Islamic attacks inside America! Understood? Adding insult to grave injury, did you know that your taxes pay for her anti-American/jihadi activities via her non-profit? Yup.

INDEED, the very fact that she was awarded a CHAMPION OF CHANGE designation, suffice to state: That, in and of itself, renders her an anti-American, and an agent of HUSSEIN Obama’s Brotherhood Mafia!

Champion of Change

Linda Sarsour is a working woman, community activist, and mother of three. Ambitious, outspoken and independent, Linda shatters stereotypes of Muslim women while also treasuring her religious and ethnic heritage. Currently she is the Advocacy and Civic Engagement Coordinator for the National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), a network of 22 Arab American organizations in 11 states including the District of Columbia, nationwide where she conducts trainings nationally on the importance of civic engagement in the Arab and Muslim American community. Locally she serves as the Director of the Arab American Association of New York, a social service agency serving the Arab community in NYC. Linda’s strengths are in the areas of community development, youth empowerment, community organizing, civic engagement and immigrants’ rights advocacy.

CLEAR as a bell.

SO, it was under HUSSEIN Obama’s Islamist umbrella that said “champion” was dispatched to “represent” Muslim views on ‘The Donald” and the state of Israel! Never mind the fact that she is an open hater of America, Israel, Jews, and everything which smacks as an obstacle to her real mission: The Islamic caliphate!

Republican strategist Frank Luntz sought to gauge the attitudes of an ostensibly “ordinary” panel of Muslims in America towards Donald Trump and the state of Israel. Undeclared to the audience, however, on the panel is a professional left-wing Palestinian Muslim agitator and Israel-basher, Linda Sarsour (photo above), who is an alumnus of the Obama Regime.

Linda Sarsour (front row wearing beige headbag), an anti-American hater of IsraelIslamic supremacist, and regular commentator on left-wing media, was not identified as such when offering her views on Trump and Israel. Rather, she was presented as an ordinary Muslim in America.

Sarsour warned of psychological damage to Muslim children who hear Donald Trump’s words. “I don’t want my children to be subjected to racism and the vilification of their faith.”

One Muslim panelist warned that Trump’s statements would inspire mass murder and Islamic terrorism from Muslims. “If Trump keeps doing what he’s doing, and he’s elected President, that number (of Muslims in America who might commit Islamic terrorist attacks), whatever it may be, will skyrocket.”

Recently, Sarsour joined MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry in condemning the media for displaying photos of Tashfeen Malik—the female half of the Islamic terrorist mass murdering couple in San Bernardino—wearing her Muslim supremacist hijab.

Luntz neglected to ask the panel any questions about efforts to combat Islamic terrorism among Muslims, a subject Sarsour openly resents.

This is the same Muslim supremacist and sharia-supporting Linda Sarsour who posts videos of her Palestinian father blasting loud, offensive Arabic music in the streets of Brooklyn just to annoy his non-Muslim neighbors.



RESULTANT, patriots, what say you? Regardless of whether Trump is elected, how do you feel about threats from the likes of “Lindala” and her compadres, in effect, dictating who you should vote for by not so veiled threats??

BLOOD boiling…

{re-blogged at The Homeland Security Network}

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at DC Watchdog}

15 thoughts on “HUSSEIN Obama’s (American) Brotherhood Mouthpieces THREATEN: If Trump Elected, Attacks In U.S. Will SKYROCKET!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Hussein Obama’s American, Motherfucker, Brotherhood Mouthpieces THREATEN: “YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO US, USA!” If Trump Elected, Attacks In U.S. Will SKYROCKET!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Right Wing Conservative News Web Site (Sight)

  2. Pingback: Hussein Obama’s American, Motherfucker, Brotherhood Mouthpieces THREATEN: “YOU CAN’T DO THAT, USA!” If Trump Elected, Attacks In U.S. Will SKYROCKET!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Right Wing Conservative News Web Site (Sight) –

  3. This is America, not your country. Go back and help your people there. We don’t want your point of views, we are sick or your type of people thinking they have rights just because you now are able to speak your mind. Our country has made it possible for you to rattle on about your want’s. WE don’t care! Only trouble, and lots of money, and lots of threats have come from your people. I hope Trump is pres. and ships your mouthy butt back to your troubled country.

  4. Pingback: HUSSEIN Obama’s (American) Brotherhood Mouthpieces THREATEN: If Trump Elected, Attacks In U.S. Will SKYROCKET! | D.C. Watchdog

  5. Now that is really something when an obama supported muslim terrorist organization threatens to attack the U.S. because ONE candidate threatens to not let others like them in to attack and kill citizens! Sure says a lot about the demoncratic candidates and RINO candidates!

  6. Pingback: Israel's Voice | HUSSEIN Obama’s (American) Brotherhood Mouthpieces THREATEN: If Trump Elected, Attacks In U.S. Will SKYROCKET!!

  7. Pingback: U.S. HYPER-ALERT: Syrian “Refugees” Harbor Flesh Eating Disease! Where Are Obama Inc.’s PUBLIC Warnings?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  8. Get off your desert-garbed, Dark Ages, barbaric, insane filthy, goat-humping, camel-riding rumps and just start it; we are weary of hearing your big, fat, ugly mouths spouting threats. Just START it…so we can start killing you back. And once we start…don’t expect to have a single mosque, a single koran, a single prayer rug left in America – and don’t expect to survive what we have waiting for you.

  9. Thank you Adina. Very informative and utterly depressing. Do you think she is laughing at President Thomas Jefferson for defending American sailors in the 1800’s and thinking that they will win in the end? I assume Hillary will be all too willing to add her to the staff again if she wins the White House.

    • Well, truth dare be told, the likes of “Lindala” and her cadre of embedded Islamists – inside and outside the Beltway – is far worse than most dare to imagine. Sorry for the bad news….it is all going to come down to true patriots, and what they are willing to do to save the nation from the Brotherhood’s vise grip!

    • Oh, and…#TRUMP is my candidate – if only because he wants to keep the Muslims OUT. Frankly, I want to carry it a step farther and remove ALL of you worthless people from our soil. Ever hear of peaceful Muslims ratting out the radicals and saving American lives or protesting when they kill innocent Americans? ME EITHER.

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