Jihadi Women Converts KILLING For Allah: Hear Them Roar! A Growing Western Menace…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

It is nigh impossible to convince many westerners of the inherent threat from stealth jihad, let alone frontal – head chopping and all – when it comes to the feminine persuasion. Like it or not, these girls/women are fully primed to strike, and jihadi converts are as bloody-minded as native Muslim devotees who turn to jihad. These feminista converts have proven to be natural born killers! “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4xpDuf84A

In fact, supposed “virginal” teens are more than willing to “assist” their terror-driven brothers, even if not in the “frontal” way which comes to mind. Yes, sexual jihad is all the rage, didn’t you hear? Plus, the Muslim Brotherhood’s quest for global dominance spurs them on!

And, whereas western nymphets have been known to pimp themselves for monetary gain, Oktar’s lovelies are (mainly) in it for “Sexual Jihad”. Say what?

Well, as a matter of Fatwa (Islamic-derived religious dictate) fact, “Sexual Jihad” has been sanctioned by relevant Islamic authorities, so much so that (supposedly chaste) teenage Islamic hotties availed their “services” to the “boys at war” in Syria. Mind you, some of these teens came back with more than they bargained for with Allah; pregnant and with AIDS! Not exactly virgin-like, a high priority preoccupation in Islamic culture. That’s the way it goes.

Be that as it may, okay, let’s be inordinately clear: the above is not meant for entertainment purposes, nor to be flippant. Decidedly, its contents are deadly serious. Therefore, an introduction to the “Oktarettes” is efficacious, as evinced within “Turkey’s Anti-Evolutionist Showgirls“. It is worth taking a peek. Promise. Even so, visuals and all, what are they up to? “Sex, Flies and Videotape” exposes the secret lives of Harun Yahya, aka Adnan Oktar, the benefactor of said sirens.

Oh me, oh my…you can’t make this stuff up.

YES, this is the latest radical, revolutionary, Nazi-inspired feminist parade, but this time from Islamic jihadi converts! 

In a photograph, the girl looks back with casual curiosity, her face scrubbed, her hair pulled a bit untidily behind her ears, her collar crisp, her tie askew, a charming and timeless portrait of the young Catholic schoolgirl in her teens.

Barely more than a decade later, she is called the world’s most dangerous woman, the Muslim terrorist known as the “white widow,” thought to have helpedmastermind last month’s terrorist attacks in Nairobi in which 72 people, including several children, were massacred in a popular shopping mall. Some reports placed her at the scene, commanding others as they gunned down dozens off non-Muslims over a three-day period. (For more on Lewthwaite, click here.)

If the allegations are true, then Irish-born Samantha Lewthwaite, whose husbandGermaine Lindsay was among the suicide bombers responsible for the July 7, 2005 terrorist attacks in London, is by no means alone among violent women converts to Islam. Last May, Michigan-born Muslim convert Nicole Lynn Mansfield became the first American to die fighting with the Syrian rebels opposing the Bashar al-Assad regime. And in 2005, Belgian convert Muriel Degauque blew herself up in a suicide bombing outside of Baghdad. Other examples include Jamie Paulin-Ramirez and Colleen La Rose, better known as Jihad Jane – American converts convicted in 2010 in connection with a plot to murder Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks for “insulting Islam” in his drawings of the prophet Mohammed as a dog; and Canadian Amanda Korody,charged with her partner John Stewart Nuttail, with “conspiracy, facilitating a terrorist activity and making an explosive device” in a failed attack on the British Columbia legislature on Canada Day last July.

This is just a sampling.

It should be said up front that while the vast majority of converts to Islam are women (in the UK, officials say women comprise about 75 percent of the 5,000 people who become Muslim every year), radicalization among them is rare, and violent attacks – or plots to commit them – rarer still . But the numbers are growing, reports the Christian Science Monitor, and becoming an increasingly worrisome phenomenon.

The attraction of Islam to Western women is not new. Experts have repeatedly noted common patterns among female converts, most of whom convert because of a relationship to a Muslim man, as was the case, say, with Katherine Tsarnaev, widow of Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Others seem to find respite in the trappings of Islam. According to Dutch psychiatrist Carla Rus, who frequently works with Muslim women and converts, they are attracted less by the religion itself than by the costume, claiming that “covering up” under an abaya or niqab allows them to escape from a sexualized Western culture in which, they say, women are too often perceived as sex objects. (That the entire purpose of these coverings in Islamic culture is based on the premise that women are nothing but sex objects is a nuance that, evidently, escapes them.) They find, too, comfort in the notion of clear rules for women, a definitive set of guidelines by which to organize their lives in a post-feminist West where women’s roles remain, in many instances and circles, ambiguous.

“The Bible can be vague about the roles of men and women,” a woman called “Saskia” told a reporter for London’s Standpoint magazine in 2010, “and I wanted certainty. Islam gave me that.”

But the journey from hijabi to terrorist is another matter, more complex and less easily explained. Research I have reviewed shows that, in many cases, the women are pressured by their partners, as may have been the case initially with Samantha Lewthwaite (whose husband was also a convert). Muslim husbands and even the Muslim community at large may question their suitability and devotion: it is not unusual for a female convert to be told that she is “not a proper Muslim wife.” Consequently, whether out of a need to please or to prove her mettle, for some women the response is simply to travel deeper into the orthodoxy. They may raise funds for jihad, or assist in recruiting male jihadists – or, as is the case with some of the female members of the Dutch radical Hofstadgroep network, join in the sitting-room gatherings of their radical husbands and lovers, absorbing the discussions – and the beliefs. Such activities can even influence women born into Islam; but for converts – especially those who either are eager to prove themselves, are too naïve and uninformed to know better, or both – they pose a particular danger.

It is, in fact, especially that lack of knowledge, according to many experts, that can lead down the path to radicalization, as much among women as men. Jolande Withuis, a Dutch researcher who has written prolifically on the subject, points out that for many of the radicalized women, the desire to know more about the Quran and its teaching leads them to the Internet, where they land in Salafist online communities eager to embrace them into their world. For a jihadist recruiter, after all, nothing provides a better foil than a Muslim woman who does not look as if she’s Muslim – someone, say, like the blonde and blue-eyed Jihad Jane.

Those recruits are also among the most effective, according to French Islam expert Olivier Roy, who in 2006 told the Washington Post, “For al Qaeda, converts are not just tools to get past security. It’s a way for them to become a global movement.”

But if the growing number of radicalized female converts to Islam is disturbing, at least as troubling is the absence of any real effort to combat it, both from within the Muslim community and from without. This seems especially true in the United States, where it would appear that the threat is becoming particularly acute. Nicole Mansfield’s father, in fact, claims he contacted the FBI about his daughter long before she left for Syria; and while they followed her for a time, nothing ever came of it. “She’d go make U-turns,” Gregory Mansfield told the Detroit Free Press, “They’d make U-turns. She’d pull into a parking lot, they’d pull into a parking lot.”

Eventually, Nicole Mansfield contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who – rather than investigating the situation – ordered the FBI to back off. Now, says Nicole’s father, CAIR has told him and other family members to avoid the FBI completely.

Meantime, the 33-year-old Nicole, like the 38-year-old Degauque before her, is dead, leaving an 18-year-old daughter behind, alone. And Samantha Lewthwaite is still at large, awaiting, plotting, her chance to kill again.

To glean a better understanding as to what floats their Islamic jihadi boats, refer to this incredibly powerful resource-rich source material – </stPDF FILE:”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001zkMJni2iUe3jUzqeSvJHQE4fjGK-DXAnTBKa2G7MjoJyrgvxrr1SLe6ysIMO9nqDxklVO1otWjD8GkZ3IofOUqacsAMfkCz_G8_QNVDeVenAQ1KKtnX8X0_kJ_dwMNPn3Vfq2P4ju5XdRZKkXa-bE6PHlaKWYfOPvWRBuQVLC1lQsMm9cH7c2FtCuAQ4wZM62mkvEuRzrdrX1RPvHNAtLGV-BqKIVIaZ&#8221; target=”_blank”>JIHAD IN ISLAM-THIS MANUAL IN MANY SUNNI MOSQUES IN AMERICA: A MUST READ!

Interestingly, when women (as well as men, but let’s stick to the “fairer” sex) become immersed in radical left circles, they often become even more lethal than their male counterparts. One only has to look towards the women involved with domestic terror groups, the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers. Behind each front man – with Billy boy Ayers in the lead – stands a lethal woman counterpart, and some of them are cited within this American-Israeli’s book review: Bringing Down America at American Thinker.

Bill Ayers, the foremost leader of the Weathermen “is in his third decade as a national leader in the movement to radicalize the educational training of schoolteachers”. His wife, (an active Weathermen member) Bernardine Dohrn, a top leader too “is a professor of law at Northwestern and a high-ranking officer in the American Bar Association.” Eleanor Raskin (ne Stein, a top member)  “is a law professor at S.U.N.Y Albany and, astonishingly, a NYS administrative law judge”. Jeff Jones “currently heads the New York-based Apollo Alliance, a highly influential coalition of labor leaders and environmentalists, and was responsible for drafting President Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act.”

More pointedly, several of Billy Boy’s “ladies” spent time in prison for murder and other crimes. Currently, more than a few are free as birds, reaping huge professional success and access to Barack HUSSEIN Obama! Domestic terror…it pays dividends, at least when traveling within the powerful left.

 Enter: Kathy Boudin:Weather Underground

In the 1960s and 1970s, Boudin became heavily involved with the Weather Underground. The Weathermen (members of Weather Underground) bombed the Pentagon, the United States Capitol, the New York Police Benevolent Association, the New York Board of Corrections, as well as the offices of multinational companies. Boudin, along with Cathy Wilkerson, was a survivor of the 1970 Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, the premature detonation of a nail bomb that had been intended for a soldiers’ dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey.[5] Boudin was 27 at the time. Both women were awaiting trial, out on bond for their alleged actions in Days of Rage in Chicago several months earlier. She fled underground with other members of the WU during the 1970s, during which time she fell in love with fellow member David Gilbert and gave birth to their son Chesa in 1980.

1981 Brink’s Robbery

In 1981, Boudin and several members of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army robbed a Brink’s armored car at the Nanuet Mall, in Nanuet, New York. After Boudin dropped her infant son off at a babysitter’s, she took the wheel of the getaway vehicle, a U-Haul truck. She waited in a nearby parking lot as her heavily armed accomplices took another vehicle to a local mall where the Brink’s truck was making a pick-up. They confronted the guards and gunfire immediately broke out, severely wounding guard Joe Trombino and killing his partner, Peter Paige. The four then took $1.6 million in cash and rejoined Boudin.

Lethal women…as poisonous snakes…whether of Islamic or leftist brigades. Catching them is one of the most underrated, undervalued and least competent arenas of counter-terror forces. This is precisely why they slip under the radar, and how feminine jihadi warriors are able to carry out their bloody attacks, recently demonstrated in the hostage crisis – leaving many innocents dead – in Kenya’s shopping mall.
And it matters not a whit whether said jihadis are masquerading in western garb, or wearing full body Islamic gear, burqas and all! The real issue is that westerners are TERRIFIED – law enforcement included – of daring to question anything smacking of Muslim/Arab sensitivities, never mind that it is their “value” system which is blowing up “infidels” world over.
When one is confronted with the bugaboo of“Islamophobia” – concocted by leftist sympathizers and their Islamic jihadi counterparts – and the notion that women are too “delicate” to become stone cold jihadis, well, nothing could be further from the truth.  Nor deadlier.