UPDATE: Nuclear Iran A Foregone Outcome: A Merging Of The Islamist-in-Chief’s Intentions & Iran’s Hitlerite Regime. The North Korean Model/Template…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Islamic spinmeisters, most especially Iran’s theocratic terror regime, run circles around the west, and the mullahs and their mouthpieces are its master weavers. Checkmate. HOWEVER, without a receptive audience it would be impossible to keep up with the tapestry’s weaving until all loose threads are neatly threaded together. As is said, it takes ‘two to tango’.

But when a nuclear ‘death dance’ is the end point, it is hardly hyperbole to suggest the obvious: the leader of the heretofore free world is aiding them to the finish line and acts as a shield for their nuclear power status. Now, before we go any further, we must internalize: Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s surrogates have each played a major part, chief among them Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, his right hand woman and alter ego. Simply put, she is capable of upending western civilization. She is THAT dangerous. THAT (ideologically) driven.

Chuck Hagel, the man leading America’s defense – holy smokes – is DEEPLY in bed with Iran’s aspirations, so much so, immediately after Hagel left the U.S. Senate he was hired to shill for Iran’s puppet masters! Hmm. How many are aware of their dangerous liaison?

John Brennan’s proclivities couldn’t be any more transparent, and his absolute Omerta, regarding his determination not to connect Islam + terror, precludes the CIA’s penetration of Islamic jihadists. As a result, protecting the American homeland is a complete illusion. He is a clear and present danger – to America AND Israel.

Moving right along to a very dangerous anti-American, Samantha Powers, as she set the stage for the current firestorms via her R2P bastardization, cloaking the mantra ‘responsibility to protect’ within a jihadist umbrella. Nefarious. Basically, she helped arm Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood terrorists through the toppling of Qadaffi. So, in a nutshell, she rounds out the anti-American crew to a dangerous foursome, notwithstanding all the damage accrued under Hillary’s watch, with mobbed up Sisterhood diva Huma Abedin at her sideas they helped empower the Brotherhood Mafia throughout the Mid East, Africa and all the way into Washington’s recesses. Yet, while others (through various Islamic/Iranian ‘think tanks’) are deeply involved, the main players are highlighted herein.

Thus, as the world watches on in horror, as Washington & Eurabia trip over themselves to embrace the newly ‘modified’ Iran – through the ‘election’ of snake charmer Rouhani – some of us know what’s coming down the nuclear pike.

Washington and Europe rush headlong towards accepting a nuclear Iran

DEBKAfile Special Report September 24, 2013
Iranian president Hassan Rouhani lands in New York

Iranian president Hassan Rouhani lands in New York

The Iranian delegation arrived at the UN General Assembly in New York this week to an enthusiastic Western welcome led by the Obama administration, without having rescinded one iota of its aggressive policies or nuclear ambitions.

“We welcome an Iran ready to engage seriously through that (diplomatic) process given that it represents the international community’s commitment to hold Iran accountable, but also being open to a diplomatic resolution.”

This convoluted message was how Ben Rhodes, US Deputy National Security Adviser, referred Monday, Sept. 23, to the US Secretary of State John Kerry’s get-together with Iranian Mohammad Javad Zarif Thursday, along with foreign ministers of the five world powers.

Their acclaimed purpose is to test Tehran’s willingness for progress in nuclear negotiations. But before this test, the Obama administration agreed to the highest-level face-to-face contact between the US and Iran since the 1979 Iranian revolution.
Rhodes did not shut the door on a meeting, even a brief one, between President Barack Obama and President Hassan Rouhani at this week’s annual gathering of world leaders in New York.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague and European Union Foreign Executive Catherine Ashton had already met the new Iranian foreign minister Monday, after which Ashton commented that she had found him resolved to go forward with talks (on Iran’s nuclear program) and “many things flow from that.”

How to account for this burst of eagerness in Washington and Europe for a rapprochement with the Revolutionary Republic of Iran?
Has Tehran agreed to give up its nuclear weapon program? The new president and even supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei say their government will never develop a nuclear bomb. So what if they said so? Have their words caused Iran’s nuclear facilities, open and concealed, to suddenly vanish like a desert mirage?

Has Iran announced itself ready to open up all its nuclear facilities to international watchdog inspections? Will Rouhani make this offer when he addresses the UN Assembly Wednesday?
Has Iran promised to stop developing ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads?
And what about the Islamic Republic’s long sponsorship of state terrorism against Israeli and Jewish targets across the world? Have those death-dealing networks been recalled home?

And has Tehran started pulling its troops out of Syria and terminated its partnership in butchery with Bashar Assad, given up its control of Lebanon or stopped sending rockets to Hizballah?

Has anyone noticed that Iran is building a Red Sea Naval base at Port Sudan facing the coast of Saudi Arabia? Or that a large-scale munitions production and distribution center for supplying Iran’s Middle East allies is going up in Sudan?

And finally, has Iran abandoned its ambition to wipe Israel off the map, or stopped denying the Nazi Holocaust?

The slick new president easily ducked the second question by saying: “I’m not a historian.”
He and members of his regime have suddenly been given free license to fill the op-ed pages of important Western media with smooth propaganda for Western audiences.
But while polishing his civilized aspect towards the West, Rouhani made sure the day before he flew to New York to display Iran’s steel teeth with its largest display ever of missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometers. The 30 weapons on show included 12 Sejil and 18 Ghadr missiles which can reach Israel and US Gulf bases – although Rouhani stated with a straight face that they were “for defensive purposes only.”

The turbaned Iranian president has an obvious motive for gulling the West into accepting the Islamic Republic’s conversion from a regime bent on “exporting the Islamic revolution” to a lover of peace: He was elected to end the sanctions crippling the country, without giving up the regime’s objectives.
It is less clear what moves President Obama to swallow the Iranian bait and go for a historic US rapprochement with the revolutionary republic. On every occasion, he protests that Israel’s security is his overriding concern. Yet he is rushing to accept a nuclear Iran whose avowed ambition is to destroy Israel.

Under their slick new façade, the ayatollahs have not changed their spots. Washington has.
Sources close to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu say he is determined to tear the false veil off Iran’s face – even if he is a lone voice, when he addresses the UN later this month.

Last Thursday, Netanyahu tried throwing water on Rouhani’s claims that Iran’s nuclear program was peaceful, calling them fraudulent. He dismissed Iran’s offer to engage in diplomacy as false “media spin,” which should not fool anyone.
But no one in the West was listening. And at home, people were asking what happened to Netanyahu’s solemn pre-election pledge to stop Iran attaining a nuclear bomb…followed up herein – Obama launches diplomacy with Tehran after quietly accepting Iran’s current nuclear capabilities DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis September 25, 2013.

LEST anyone believes that Jerusalem is taken in by the above sideshow, think again. NEVERTHELESS, said clear eyed thinking, plus the price of a NYC subway token, will amount to less than nothing. Most significantly, PM Netanyahu can stand before the world and offer all the corollaries/proofs of North Korea’s games in juxtaposition to Iran’s, plus use every rhetorical flourish to boot, but it will just be a sideshow. Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, once again, he can also hold up as many neon ‘red line’ bomb graphs as his two hands can muster, yet, Iran will become a nuclear power.

How do we know this? There is no other guide but history. In this regard, his inconsequential ‘red line’ from last go around has come and gone. In its stead lies MANY more centrifuges, as they spin Iran to bomb making capacity, while they possess a plutonium track as a full throttle fall-back plan. Unfathomably, Israel’s leadership, tasked with protecting the Jewish patrimony, not only failed miserably in its ultimate task, but continues to feign that they have the mettle to do what they must. They don’t. Spineless leaders always revert true to form.

Most significantly, those who promise another Holocaust will now have the ability to execute their ‘final solution’. And history will vilify all those involved, but none more so than PM Netanyahu, as he sold the Jewish nation (half of world Jewry) a bill of electoral goods, swearing that under his watch Iran would never become a nuclear power. Really. Well, truth dare be told, he sold out to a regime in Washington which wants nothing more than to finally ‘solve the problem’, despite their lying rhetoric. Obama Inc. may as well wave cheer leading signs in Iran’s direction, as they cross the finish line.

AGAIN, Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s actions have led in only one direction. PM Netanyahu wasted his entire Premiership on ‘hopes, promises and transparency’. The onus is atop his head. History will condemn him. As it should.

UPDATE: US appeasement of Iran drowns Israel’s military option against nuclear Iran or chemical Syria

13 thoughts on “UPDATE: Nuclear Iran A Foregone Outcome: A Merging Of The Islamist-in-Chief’s Intentions & Iran’s Hitlerite Regime. The North Korean Model/Template…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. One would think that by now, surrounded by towel-headed taqiyya experts, Netanyahu would have learned how to play their game. He should be feigning gullibility and welcome the new Iranian thespian while picking the exactly right time to take out their nuclear facilities even if it takes nuclear to do it. Even a child that reads the papers and history could tell him that America has never been a partner one could rely on and with an Islamist in the White House now ………

  2. In a land surrounded by towel-headed, taqiyya practicing experts, one would think that by now Netanyahu would have learned to play THEIR game. He should be feigning gullibility, welcome the new thespian from Iran and quietly plan for the exactly perfect time to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities even if it takes nuclear to kill nuclear. Even a child who reads newspapers could tell him that since WW II America could never be relied on as a partner and with an Islamist in the White House, this thought becomes downright laughable.

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