CHEMICAL ALERT: Syrian “Rebels” More Dangerous Than Assad’s Thugs…Al Qaeda/Salafists In The Forefront…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The idiom,“separating the forest from the trees”, is often bandied about, but mostly devoid of context. Hence, its targeted import becomes entirely lost, or muddled at best. Not only that, but when it comes to the Middle East, said confusion is as explosive as countless pyromaniacs running loose, in the largest forest of all!

In this regard, it is absolutely the case, the Pyromaniac-in-Chief set the region FURTHER ablaze, giving the advantage to Al Qaeda related jihadis. You know, those same hardened terrorists who fight under the banner of the late, non-lamented Osama Bin Laden! In fact, to up the odds of his Brotherhood picks ( “cousins” of Al Qaeda ) he has unleashed those very same forces – who primed their techniques fighting Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan – to run rampant all over the region. They are currently ensconced in the Egyptian Sinai (Israel’s southern border) and abutting Israel’s northern Golan border. Pincer-like. More than a bastard.

“Leading from behind”, he has no intention of dealing with the Iranian menace through hyper-American muscle tactics. Thereby, demonstrating to its Hitlerite regime what their fate will be, if they don’t cease & desist their genocidal weapons program. Instead, for 4 + years, he opts for jaw-jaw, hardly likely to scare any of the basket cases in the world, let alone the cagey mullahs.

In other words, the west’s imperative, to break the “Iranian axis of evil”,  thus weakening Assad’s/Hezbollah’s back, never entered the fray. As such, he not only left Iran stronger, but gave the upper hand to those fighting Assad, every bit as much killing machines as Assad. However, now Israel’s border is hotter than ever, as the “rebels” have ZERO reservations about utilizing chemical warfare, unlike Assad, knowing full well that said move would bring the IDF down on his head! 

But now, Jerusalem (and other capitals) is dealing with non-state actors, thereby, making the region more than a tinderbox. Alas, a six year old could have planned a better campaign. And that’s the point. Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s intent is to weaken American interests, with Israel at the forefront! Forget about his recent “visit”. Radical politics took center stage, even as the regional upheaval demanded his full attention. Yes, he can walk and chew gum at the same time. More than a pyromaniac. My head hurts.

In the main, the leader of the free world has ensured that chemical weapons would be introduced, something which Assad’s terror forces knew was off limits, regardless of regional tensions. However, now that the “rebels” have introduced chemical warfare, all bets are off, as reported, at this blog, almost most 4 months ago –

Most rational folks realize by now – including the Commander-in-Chief and his surrogates – Islamists are bloodthirsty, whatever their stripes –…even if the POTUS feigns otherwise, no, he didn’t pick his Brotherhood (with remnants of Al Qaeda) jihadis over the rest. And this matters, mainly because he really stood still when he shouldn’t have, back in 2009, when Iranian freedom fighters were attempting to break the back of their Hitlerite regime.

Therefore, no one should be surprised, that under his watch chemical weapons have been unleashed, and the fingerprints lead straight back to his “rebels”.

‘Alarming Footage: Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons’

by  on MARCH 25, 2013 

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat

In December of last year we revealed that the rebels had in their hands potent chemical weapons and were testing them on rabbits, and we predicted that they will use them on innocents.

Well now it is happening.

And now, new evidence translated from Arabic sources reveals the likelihood that it was the Muslim rebels (FSA) and not the Assad regime that carried out a chemical attack on the town of Khan al-Assal, west of Aleppo.

We have captured clips that were never translated (until now) showing rebels revealing heavy arsenals including weapons of mass destruction that contain chemical agents.

Russia says that it was the FSA that carried out the massacre while the White House says that there is no evidence that the rebels are responsible.

In the Arab circles, the blaming goes back and forth. The Syrian government blames the FSA and vise versa.

So who do we believe?

Even if we examine the sources in Arabic we find that the reporting on this story is usually done by masters of confusion. For example, how can an FSA reporter film an exploded chemical rocket at a close distance and remain alive?

But if we examine the videos during all the clashes between the FSA and the Syrian military we find much evidence from footage never seen in the West (until now) showing that weapons cache of scuds, tanks, Sam-7 rockets and even weapons of mass destruction (chemical as well as biological) are falling into the hands of FSA rebels.

In one video that we found, the Syrian rebels, after taking an airbase, show the substantial amount of scud missiles now in their hands:

And just when you think that these rebels are too primitive to figure out how to fire these missiles, here is a video of them actually launching one:

The chemical attack in Khan al-Assal is said to have been done by Assad, but as people are swayed to believing the jihadist rebels, we have first hand testimony from just one of the multitude of victims of this tragedy:

Also, there are some important facts that we have to take into perspective.

The assault happened in the town of Khan al-Assal, a predominately Shiite town. The Syrian revolution is a Sunni movement, and one of its main goals is to remove the Shiite Assad regime. The town has also been a common victimof attacks by Al-Qaeda, a Sunni organization. This is thus an indication that the attack was conducted by Sunnis, and not the government which is Shiite.

Moreover, neither the rebels nor the government denies that amongst the victims were military personal. In fact, it is said that out of the 26 dead 16 were Syrian soldiers.

Why would a Shiite government orchestrate a terrorist attack on its own soldiers especially in a Shiite town?

Assad is very loyal to his own sect–the Alawites–which is a part of Shia Islam, and they in turn are loyal to him. This allegiance is so strong that, according to Middle East expert Walid Phares, if Assad ever escaped from the rebels and hid in the northwestern part of Syria, where most of the Alawites live, and his enemies came to attack there, he would use chemical weapons “to defend his own community.”

Khan al-Assal, the place of the attack, is in the northwestern part of Syria, to where Assad would flee, and the region that he would be willing to defend.

Furthermore, a medic at the local civilian hospital said that he personally saw soldiers attending to the wounded at the scene of the attack.

Another factor that deserves attention is that the device used for the attack was not advanced; both American and independent weapons analysts confirm this. If the Assad regime had done last week’s incursion, then it would have utilized something of a more sophisticated arsenal.

Also, if the government was behind this, the attack would have killed more than just 26 people, since Syria is said to own the largest chemical arsenal in the region.

It is reported that the syrian military believes that the assault was done by launching into the town a home-made rocket containing CL17, a type of chlorine that can be found at your local swimming pool.

Though this was a small attack, chlorine can be used to implement very significant destruction on human populations. According to Benjamin Brodsky, writing for the Monterey Institute of International Studies:

The worst industrial accident in history is illustrative: 40 metric tons of methyl isocyanate was released from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, on December 3, 1984. The resulting plume killed at least 3,000 people downwind and injured more than 100,000. A sufficiently large release of elemental chlorine may be capable of exacting a comparable toll, particularly if it were to be discharged in a highly populated civilian area.

Another point is that if Assad was indeed the attacker in this scenario, then the media would be making full scale reports affirming that he is the perpetuator. The White House would be confirming it, the U.N. would be confirming it–but they are not.

It makes no sense that Assad would all of a sudden order such a strike in the first place, since he is worried about the repercussion of negative international responses. Walid Phares has made this point:

He is going to try not to use it [the chemical weapons] as much as as he can because he knows the international reaction is going to be very tough.

But, all of these facts have not stopped John Mccain and Lindsay Graham from calling for U.S. intervention and the granting of weapons to the jihadists. In a recent joint statement, the two Republican senators wrote:

We are extremely disturbed by reports that chemical weapons have been used today in Syria. President Obama has said that the use of weapons of mass destruction by Bashar Assad is a ‘red line’ for him that ‘will have consequences.’ If today’s reports are substantiated, the President’s red line has been crossed, and we would urge him to take immediate action to impose the consequences he has promised. That should include the provision of arms to vetted Syrian opposition groups, targeted strikes against Assad’s aircraft and SCUD missile batteries on the ground, and the establishment of safe zones inside Syria to protect civilians and opposition groups. If today’s reports are substantiated, the tragic irony will be that these are the exact same actions that could have prevented the use of weapons of mass destruction in Syria.

The facts do not stop Republican Mike Rogers from affirming that it is a “high probability” that Assad used chemical weapons, as can be found in a recent interview:

America is in, to a degree, intervening in the Syrian situation.

One diplomatic source has stated

Scores of U.S. military advisers in Jordan are training the rebels in

It has also been said that that training and weapons has been financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and that the goal of the U.S. and NATO is to make the rebels into a formidable fighting force “capable of countering the Syrian Army.”

Our primary concern should be that one day our own nation will work with NATO to militarily strike the Assad regime and allow the revolutionaries to prevail. Such an act will not only enable Islamic fundamentalism to further expand, but empower Turkey to commence its much aspired empire–that is–a revived Ottoman empire.

BOTTOM LINE: Now that the above has been set in motion, and Al Qaeda has captured the main highway bordering Israel, Jordan and Syria, and a major tributary too –…part of his mission to Israel (aside from  “Alinskyite” indoctrination of Israel’s university students and his ONLY major speech in Israel – was to tamp down the fires. According to DEBKAfile Intelligence: “During his visit to Israel, US President Barack Obama struck a deal with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for military action against Syrian chemical weapons. The new issue will flesh out that core decision with exclusive revelations on NATO’s role in setting up the expedition, its participants, targets and ramifications, including likely responses by Moscow and Tehran”.

More than deserving of his Satan-like status!

UPDATE: herein lies the crux of the above thesis (Obama’s incendiary handiwork)… and reading it, after today’s commentary posting, is more than noteworthy –

16 thoughts on “CHEMICAL ALERT: Syrian “Rebels” More Dangerous Than Assad’s Thugs…Al Qaeda/Salafists In The Forefront…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. When Us invaded Iraq,a former officer in the Iraqui Air Force reported to the usmilitary[ after the smoke had settled] that the Iraquis had transferred the Weapons of Mass Destruction[womd] to Syria under his command. I notice that the press has not even speculated where Syria got these chemical weapons,but of course they don’t want to acknowledge that Pres.George Bush was right[as was Hilary and other Democrats who were supportive of the invasion until it was no longer popular].I personally heard this former IAF Officer acknowledge this in a televised interview while in Canada several years ago using an alias and his face was not shown during the interview as a bounty had been placed on his life,and Sadam Hussein was still alive,as he had not been captured yet.

    • Raymond, I have heard the same from my own high level contacts. Yes, before the invasion, convoys of WMD’s crossed into Syria, buried deep for future use. Btw, Bush knew about this, but kept quiet, even though anti-American forces (the media in the forefront) chanted, “Bush lied, Americans died”. Why he decided to keep quiet is more than noteworthy.

  2. My concern is that Assad may feel that all is lost and go for broke .Unleashing WOMD at Israel and anyone else he feels threatened by, Is in his narcissistic nature.Bob NZ

  3. Bob, yes, he will likely do so. But the thrust is, without the empowerment of the “rebels”, due to Obama, regardless of what he asserts, Assad would not have dared (in the past) to unleash his arsenal on Israel. He hasn’t done so in all these years, but now…

  4. So Assad’s regime is not looking so bad when compared to the rebels. What is the West thinking in their support for the rebels?

    At this point I think things will go from bad to worse for Israel. But maybe this is a good thing. When the SHTF then Israel will have no choice but to nuke everyone surrounding them. Problem solved in one day.

    If you think this is bad, we are entering the age of nuclear terrorism. It won’t be long before entire cities just vaporize for no apparent reason. And the nuclear bomb doesn’t have to come from Iran. What about Pakistan or North Korea (with Iran’s prodding) passing a bomb to Al Qaeda? I’m sure Israel will be at the top of the list for nuclear terrorism targets.

  5. Matt, I have no problem with Israel taking as many “bombs out of the basement”, as necessary. In any event, a concerted EMP will work too! Rest assured, it is not as if Israel has to wait to develop this or that, if you get my meaning.
    We are in for a shit storm, and Americans too will pay the price for their leadership’s appeasement.

  6. this is not going to end well for Jewish people. I was against intervention, but I’m not seeing a choice if the rebels have access to chemicals weapons. It is important to not be tied to any policy.

  7. Pingback: CHEMICAL ALERT: Syrian “Rebels” More Dangerous Than Assad’s Thugs…Al Qaeda/Salafists In The Forefront | Simon Studio Analysis

  8. Pingback: Al Qaeda Bellies Up To Israel’s Northern (Golan) Border…War Drums Heating Up…How Did This Happen? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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  10. Pingback: Syria’s Gassed Kiddies: Kidnapped By ‘Rebels’ A Week Prior To Their Deaths! Where Does Obama Inc. Fit In? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  11. Pingback: Syria’s Gassed Kiddies: Kidnapped By ‘Rebels’ A Week Prior To Their Deaths! Where Does Obama Inc. Fit In? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Boudica BPI Weblog



  14. Pingback: Israel Encircled:Obama’s “Rebels”,Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades-Backed Up By IDF & U.S./CIA Officers-Pledged To ISIS.What Are The Knock-On Effects?Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  15. Pingback: Obama’s “Rebels”, ISIS Aligned, Laying Waste To Mid East/N Africa’s Christian & Minority Communities…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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