Islamic Wildfires Coming Full Circle: To A U.S. Forest Near You. Addendum To : Jihad Via Arson…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Those who ascribe good intentions to all humanity haven’t come in contact with the carnage of jihadists; handiwork of the Islamic devil.

Ignoring cultural differences is akin to living in a netherworld, whether imposed through outside pressures, or ones own internal ignorance. Either way, this rosy colored worldview pretends that evil is good; darkness is light; fantasy is reality; and everything in between is nothing more than shades of gray. PC insanity run amok, the rivers of blood notwithstanding.

How many westerners understand the depth of their plans to destroy us? How many have witnessed – at the very least on television – their beloved land torched by Islamic arsonists? This blogger has….and shouting at a tv screen can only work for so long!

There is something to be said for those who channel said outrage outwardly, attempting to turn the tables, thus blaring a HUGE spotlight on their tormentors.

In this regard, exposing their plans, as well as their carnage, is one such way to “even” the playing field, at least as a “war” cry to like-minded patriots. The following are some opening shots:

‘Jihad Via Arson…As Fires Rage…Proven Suspicious…’-, gives a window into their underbelly, revealing a new method to wage jihad against the west.

Therefore, it is imperative to ‘Repeat Until The Cows Come Home:There Is NO Moderate Islam’ –

As such, Northeast Intelligence Network catches the public up to speed too – ‘Wildfires: We’ve been warning about them since 2003’

3 October 2012:  Since 2003, the Northeast Intelligence Network has been warning that Islamic terrorists living in the United States and sympathetic to the objectives of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, have been posting instructions to destroy the U.S. from within. A “simple” and inexpensive way to cause great and costly calamities to the U.S. is by setting forest fires, especially in drought-ravaged areas. In May 2003, we reported that postings appeared on several password-protected forums that the California wildfires were started by members of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.  An FBI memo published in June 2003 carried identical warnings.

Following those warnings, we reported that “verified intelligence indicates that Islamic terrorists had a hand in some of the existing fires in southern California that have already engulfed over 1/2 million acres.”

In May 2003, we reported that postings appeared on several password-protected forums that the California wildfires were started by members of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.  An FBI memo published in June 2003 carried identical warnings.

Following those warnings, we reported that “verified intelligence indicates that Islamic terrorists had a hand in some of the existing fires in southern California that have already engulfed over 1/2 million acres.”

Saturday, 12 July 2003: PHOENIX, Arizona  – The FBI  alerted law enforcement agencies last month that an Al Qaeda terrorist now in detention had talked of masterminding a plot to set a series of devastating forest fires around the western United States. Source: Fox News.

Internet Intercept 26 October 2003:

“Allah’s soldiers will devastate America by its burning…this is nothing but the start of the punishment assisted by Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds….These are the new fires different from the normal as Ramadan starts.”

Other truncated messages from September 2003:

Oh Allah support the fighters everywhere, and hasten your support of them Oh Allah… Oh Allah… ignite the land a fire from below the feet of the Crusaders and cunning Zionists… Our warnings continued through 2010, at which time it appeared that the Department of Homeland Security would have had enough intelligence gathered on the plans of Muslim terror suspects living here in the U.S. Today, al Qaeda is being blamed for Europe-wide forest fires, as the head of Russia’s Federal Security Service claimed they were set by arsonists as part of the group’s low-cost attack strategy.”

Previous reports: 11 February 2009: Terrorist “chatter:” Forest Fires 26 October 2007:  Photography, surveillance, FBI warnings preceded California wildfires 25 October 2007:  Domestic Terrorism? California arson fires easier than hijacking planes

At the end of this death dance, between the west and Islamic barbarians, one will come out the winner, therefore, the other side will naturally have to surrender/submit.

So the basic questions for the west are: what methods are they willing to utilize in order to protect their way of life, both inside and outside their borders? How far are they willing to go to implement said safeguards?

In other words, are westerners willing to round up the enemy within – those who are of the same bent as the arsonists ( think: Dearbornistan, then onto Islamberg, and on and on…) – knowing full well that the international community will scream foul? 

Cards on the table.

Westerners who cherish life and liberty must decide: what (temporary) lines, however uncomfortable, are they willing to cross to serve their national interests? Is going down in flames     (LITERALLY) a price they are willing to pay, in order to take the “high road”?

The answers should be clear. NO guilt allowed, at least at this blog. War is hell and nice guys finish last!

Need a rallying cry? Crank it up  –

11 thoughts on “Islamic Wildfires Coming Full Circle: To A U.S. Forest Near You. Addendum To : Jihad Via Arson…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. At least one of the destructive wildfires in Colorado was started by humans. Investigators have never pinned it on anyone. Most people attributed it to careless campers or hikers and that could very well be the cause. However, in light of knowledge that jihad can be waged via forest fire – and this particular fire destroyed many homes – I hope investigators haven’t ruled out Muslim hikers as potential firebugs. I wondered about that at the time.

  2. To be sure, wildfires are indeed started by careless campers/hikers, and some are even started as pranks by out of control teens. However, the fatwa of ‘jihad by arson’ is not only real, it has been done!
    The fact of the matter is that jihadists in Israel have admitted to starting MANY of the wildfires, once they are caught.
    The authorities have to get with the program, otherwise the damage will be incalculable, and they will be responsible when others take justice into their own hands.IF the gov’t/law enforcement fails to do their due diligence, then they only have themselves to blame for the outcome.

  3. Pingback: California Wildfires: Jihad Via Arson, Its Fingerprints In Israel Too. Al Qaeda In The Forefront…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki


  5. Pingback: Israel's Voice | America’s Campuses Endanger Jewish Students: Muslim & Leftist Collusion. BDS & More!

  6. Pingback: Jihadi Arson Reaches Queens, NY: An Islamic (Tactical) Imperative REPEATEDLY Utilized In Israel! The Nexus. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  7. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Jihadi Arson Reaches Queens, NY: An Islamic (Tactical) Imperative REPEATEDLY Utilized In Israel! The Nexus.

  8. Pingback: Fire Jihad Ravages California; Pipe-Bomb Jihad Explodes In NYC, + Brotherhood Mafia’s “Declaration of War” = Critical Mass – What’s To Be Done? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  9. Pingback: California’s Wildfires Lend Fuel To “Climate Change” Hucksters, Yet, Miss The Real Targets: Fire Jihad + Environmental Extremists, Stupid! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  10. Pingback: California’s Wildfires Lend Fuel To “Climate Change” Hucksters, Yet, Miss The Real Targets: Fire Jihad + Environmental Extremists, Stupid! — Commentary By Adina Kutnicki – 🚨 Conservative, Right Wing News

  11. Pingback: California’s Wildfires Lend Fuel To “Climate Change” Hucksters, Yet, Miss The Real Targets: Fire Jihad + Environmental Extremists, Stupid! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Boudica2015

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