Black Hawks Swirling Over US Cities…DHS Stockpiling Inordinate Amount of Ammo..Who IS Their Target?Addendum To : RED HOT Warning From Northeast Intelligence Network…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

A leadership with ill intent ( and the Obama regime has proven itself to be less than trustworthy….an understatement of gargantuan proportions ) will often prey on the public’s fears. At this moment in time there is a core issue at hand – Islamic terrorism.

While under an American-centric leadership this would be considered due diligence, the opposite is true when an anti-American POTUS is at the helm.

Herein lies the alarming issue ( out of so many others ) at the forefront. The fact of the matter is obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense. US citizens have more than enough reason to become duly frightened – whenever Black Hawks fly overhead – but even more so knowing that DHS has targeted “right wing patriots” as the main threat.

You got that?

On the other hand, those in charge of securing the homeland haven’t uttered Islamic + terror in one sentence. Not only that, they have purged all linkage/language/tutelage of said threats from military training, as well as from the public discourse!

Now, color this blogger suspicious, but if a leadership zeroes in on those who are the backbone of US national ethos, what does such warped thinking mean to average, logical, and rational folks?

Right on.

As such, a review of the exhibits contained within this link should be a first pit stop –

Onto the highly frightening event at hand –

‘Obama’s Black Hawks Invade Minneapolis’ –

The U.S. government has conducted exercises featuring a simulated attack on Minneapolis with Blackhawk helicopters.

From RT News:

“US Special Operations Command decided that downtown Minneapolis would be a perfect location for military games involving Black Hawk helicopters and dozens of troops.

Low-flying Black Hawk helicopters conducted military training exercises in downtown Minneapolis Monday night, hovering majestically outside of apartment windows of surprised local residents.

Some Minneapolis residents have taken videos of the Army’s utility helicopters as they passed over bridges, hovered “outside their windows and flew over the city.”

This following on the heels of a mock invasion of Chicago. Also from the article:

“In April, Black Hawk and Little Bird helicopters flew past skyscrapers in downtown Chicago for a similar urban environment training exercise, rattling some windows of downtown offices. Witnesses of the largely unexpected event reported men hanging out of the windows, while carrying automatic weapons.

“It was frightening,” Chicago resident Jessica Hill told Fox News. “I was definitely alarmed.”

“In a different era, one in which the government was relatively trusted, this would be no cause for alarm. But as I have pointed out, we are not dealing with a trustworthy government but rather with a government that appears poised to make war on its own citizens.  I find it interesting that NOAA and the Social Security Administration are ordering tens of thousands of hollow point bullets and the Feds planning FEMA emergency camps with forced labor brigades (which Obama signed into law) while conducting military exercises in major U.S. cities.”

“Two such events form a coincidence, three form a pattern. Mr. Obama and his administration have repeatedly tried to paint his political enemies as domestic terrorists, and DHS recently simulated a “Tea Party terrorist attack”.

“Why did DHS buy 700 pounds of ammonium nitrate (the stuff of terrorist bombs)?”

“This looks bad; it suggests an agent-provocateur attack, one designed to justify some sort of quasi-military response inside the U.S.”

“And the government’s START report reiterated the earlier reports from DHS affirming agrave danger from “right wing extremists”.

“This on the lead-up to an absolutely critical election, one the incumbent radical Barack Obama looks to lose. Mr. Obama is the last, best hope of the left, and his supporters actually ARE domestic terrorists (William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn for example) as well as communists and social revolutionaries, and one must ask if all of this is not designed to keep Mr. Obama and his radical friends in power.”

“Mr. Obama has proposed limiting political speech and has called in the past for the creation of an internal militia as well armed and funded as the U.S. military. These are the steps of a Hugo Chavez, a Fidel Castro, a Nikolai Lenin, and not of a lover of freedom.  One must wonder, if Mr. Obama thinks these things are fine, what else? He has circumvented Congress on numerous occasions, appointing his “Czars” outside of Congressional authority. He has been cited for contempt of court for refusing to restart drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. His Attorney General has been cited for Contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents on Fast and Furious. He Has ignored the War Powers Act. His Administration has enforced laws selectively, failing to prosecute thugs blocking voting booths. His administration has been characterized by repeated, flagrant violations of the law.”

“Now he has helicopters buzzing around American cities in a simulated invasion. Were it another man, say, Jimmy Carter, nobody would be particularly disturbed (Carter was and is a complete boob but he would never consider a coup-de-tat) we would not concern ourselves, but with this bunch? Cass Sunstein, the Obama Czar of Czars, wrote a book “Nudge” in which he suggested government be given the power to coerce the public into doing what it thinks right. You have Van Jones, a communist. You have Valerie Jarrett, who is a fellow traveler. You have Donald Berwick. You have Anita Dunn. You have Ron Bloom, Kevin Jennings, and a host of others.”

“You have Obama’s campaign cheer “forward!”, an old communist slogan.”

“These people have power in their hands, and as anyone who knows the history of Marxism knows, power is something they don’t relinquish very willingly.”

“It is no crime to be a socialist, nor is it against the law to be a communist. Nobody would worry were this not the President of the United States AND that President’s government was engaging in actions that strongly suggest preparations to implement martial law. Given Mr. Obama’s willingness to flaut the law, and the lust for power of his Marxist cabal of associates, and his disturbing upbringing (his father’s friend and his personal mentor was an avowed communist Frank Marshall Davis) one must be more than disquieted by these developments.”

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; this bears close scrutiny.” –

Retaining liberty is NO easy feat. It requires citizens to be alert, aware, and involved in the process. 

Whereas many things are as they seem, too many others aren’t. Therefore, when the preponderance of evidence leads in one direction, it becomes the public’s obligation to follow the facts as they are, not as one wishes them to be.

Freedom isn’t cheap. And, those too lazy – or simply self involved – will pay a price for their inaction.

Once gone, it is near impossible to get back. Much to ponder….it must never be taken for granted.

20 thoughts on “Black Hawks Swirling Over US Cities…DHS Stockpiling Inordinate Amount of Ammo..Who IS Their Target?Addendum To : RED HOT Warning From Northeast Intelligence Network…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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