Uncovering The Tip Of Huma Abedin’s Islamic Spear: The ‘House of Al-Saud’…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Henceforth, there is no longer a need to scratch our heads and ponder – is Huma Abedin an Islamic operative, or not ?

The case against her has been settled. Other US operatives are exposed too.

Consider the volume of evidence offered below, but it is first necessary to internalize this brief, but basic bottom line –

                    *Huma Abedin DIRECTLY Works For Wahabist Saudis*

Her extensive ties to the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) have been proven, and this is just one example – http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/48780 – and ‘Huma Abedin’s Brotherhood Ties Are Not Just A Family Affair’ seal her nexus – http://www.rightsidenews.com/2012072716755/editorial/rsn-pick-of-the-day/huma-abedins-brotherhood-ties-are-not-just-a-family-affair.html .

                  *The Above Linkage Jumps Past The Brotherhood And Al-Qaeda, Straight Into The Arms Of The House of Saud*

In tandem, the readers will find exhaustive conclusions presented below. They deliver a stunning hammer blow to the case at hand. There should no longer remain a scintilla of a doubt – the indictment against Huma Abedin must be sealed and delivered.


The American people deserve no less.

Surely, The Islamist-in-Chief knows the score. Others in Washington too.

Walid Shoebat delivers the goods…as a former Brotherhood operative who is totally fluent in Arabic – http://www.shoebat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Abedin_Affairs_with_Al_Saud_0813122.pdf – devour it….pass it around the world. Here’s some highlights –

“The Abedin “Affairs” with Al Saud”
Walid Shoebat

“I thought I had it all figured out [here], that Huma Abedin and her family, for years, were only working for Muslim Brotherhood interests. After all,I spent a week re-sifting through scores of Arabic sources, which confirmed that Huma’s mother Saleha was not simply a member,but a leader in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s Sisterhood branch.The Abedins were for decades affiliated with an al-Qaeda financier named Abdullah Omar Naseef, who had appointed the Abedins to start the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA),not that working with this man was not problematic enough, but still, who was behind Naseef and what were the goals of this IMMA establishment?”

“Other issues just weren’t adding up; these fsh were looking larger by the day – much larger than I had previously thought. I watched politicians who sided with Huma, none of whom spent a nickel trying to refute McCarthy’s court-style presentation [here]; they responded with familiar one-line rebuttals that lacked the acknowledgment of facts.
There is also something terribly wrong when fve members of Congress are being muzzled as ordained by the highest powers in both that establishment and in the State Department. Newt Gingrich and a few other patriots had the common sense to fnally come out of the closet, but not without ridicule.”

“Was Huma a big fsh to have the might of some American politicians come to her defense or is there some other player in the mix that the American people are not aware of ? Even President Barack Obama felt it necessary to pay tribute and voice strong support for Huma Abedin during a Muslim Iftar dinner on August 10th, saying that the
top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been “nothing less than extraordinary in representing our country and the democratic values that we hold dear.”
Just who are all of these elite and powerful bowing to? The only powerful man that a United States president would bow to was when Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia treating him as if he was the King of Kings. Could it be possible that this far-away place holds the power to make the kings of the earth bow?”

“I began to research further. My fndings all started as I was researching Huma’s father, “Sayed Zaynul Abedin” in Arabic, looking for further clues, hoping that I could fnd something. Then suddenly there it was, an unbelievable document commissioned by the late King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz [here] and [here], detailing the years of accomplishments by the kings of Al-Saud.”

“I couldn’t believe my eyes! As I read, the king’s book gave me all the answers to all the clues I have been looking for. The more I read the Arabic squiggles, the more quickly I realized that my older discoveries were perhaps the lesser of the two evils—an appetizer
—in comparison to what is in this manuscript. It began to connect the dots between the Abedins’ Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs—on whose Board Huma Abedin served for years—and the Wahhabist plans of Saudi Arabia, commissioned by the House of Saud.”

“This book had the king’s blessings and approval on literally every page. I perused, beginning with the long, grandiose and fanciful title: “The Efforts of the Servant of the Two Holy Places, King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz to Support The Muslim Minorities”. The king presents himself as the “Servant of the Two Holy Places” (Mecca and Medina) where multitudesfock, great and small, rich and poor, to pay tribute while they circumambulate, giving their allegiance to the call of Allah.”

“The House of Saud had another holy “affair” besides multitudes
circumambulating around the Ka’ba; everything in this holy writ was revolving around “The Muslim Minority Affairs” as it was the key to another kingdom, in which the Abedins played a central role. The House of Saud had used Huma’s father Sayed Zaynul
Abedin’s work Muslim Minorities in the West published in 1998 as part of 29 works to construct a plan to conquer the world with Islam (#11. P. 134) and “The Muslim Minority Affairs” in the west was a major discussion with the United States mentioned throughout.”

“The king of his pride had let out state secrets like others did with Wikileaks. I realized quickly that I was on a mission and thanks to American technology (the Internet), I was reaching all the way into the dirty plans of the servants of Mecca and Medina, to reveal even more unknowns about the mysterious Abedins.”

“I grabbed my miniature camera and quickly took snapshots so I could later translate this grand plan entitled, Shu-un al-Aqaliyyat al-Muslima. In English, “The Muslim Minority Affairs”. Page after page explained the “Affairs”, not simply as a title, or as a religious or even a social entity, but as a Saudi foreign policy, a jurisprudence and commandment from the highest of authorities commissioned to the Saudi Ministry of
Religious Affairs. It was an entire management system using “The Muslim Minority Affairs” as the main vehicle to bringing victory against an infdel world.”

“It spoke of recruiting Muslims that live in non-Muslim lands and transforming them as a collective unit. It spoke of already established centers, educational programs, mosques and organizations in the United States like ISNA and MSA, all geared towards hindering any western plan for Muslim assimilation in a non-Muslim host nation. It
mentioned “The Muslim Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) established in the United States in 1962” (p. 65), as key agents to protect Muslims from assimilation.”

“It named the mosques and centers in major United States cities established to carry out the mission. Five decades of efforts were spent with billions to ensure that Muslims will be an unassimilated group which then can infuence the non-Muslim host nation and other nations, regardless of how small the numbers of Muslims, by shifting the
demographic scale due to their population growth in favor of this Saudi agenda.”

“It explained how a gradual change would ensue by becoming a major
revolutionary powerhouse that will tilt the host nation in favor of Muslims due to their increase as a population. It was a conundrum to transform a nation from within, where a Minority population can act as a ffth column, incubating in the host nation with the intent of gradually implementing the Wahhabist plans.”

“It was as if I was watching a science program on how a cell is invaded by a virus, where it gradually does its thing until the host cell fnally succumbs to the disease.”


As exposed via Shoebat, in their most fevered imaginations the House of Saud never expected one of their own to reveal their secrets. Written in Arabic, they undoubtedly felt secure in their ‘grand plan’ to subsume/submit the rest of the world to Islam.

As is said, the ‘jig is up’.

The relevant questions become – is it too late to turn the tide ? How many Washington insiders have been paid to submit ?

We know that Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are on board. Democrats & Republicans alike have bitten from the poisonous Saudi apple. Consequently, sticking their necks out for Huma Abedin is about a whole lot more than helping a damsel-in-distress.

IT is beyond a national imperative to call for a thorough check into many of their bank accounts. A comprehensive forensic examination into their finances – akin to a colonoscopy – should reveal many skeletons in their closets.

I know how this works.

Forget about the useless forms they submit, as part of their ‘due diligence’ for their ‘financial disclosure’. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Trust me on this !

Many of them live like princes/princesses on government salaries. How can this be?


17 thoughts on “Uncovering The Tip Of Huma Abedin’s Islamic Spear: The ‘House of Al-Saud’…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. So Obama is a Saudi tool. This explains his emphasis on not-ready-for-prime-time green energy and his refusal to drill for and mine the abundant oil, natural gas and coal available in the US. His energy secretary Ken Salazar has defied a court order and refused to issue permits for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as refused to issue permits for drilling, fracking and mining elsewhere in the US. Obama’s using the greeniacs to justify shutting down the US petroleum industry while funneling millions, no, billions of taxpayer dollars into green energy firms that donate to Democrats and quickly go bankrupt without ever turning a profit. Nice money-laundering deal ya got there, bro. Obama refused to okay the Keystone pipeline which would have channeled Canadian oil to Texas for refining, costing hundreds or thousands of jobs. But hey, it’s all so that Americans would continue to pay premium prices for Saudi cartel oil. Now the traitor-in-chief is talking about releasing oil from the US’s strategic petroleum reserve to bring down gas prices just in time for the election.

    And of course, the energy scandal is the minor thing here. The major thing is, as Adina says, that too many of our top politicians are on the payroll of the Wahhabis and they are complicit in bringing shariah Islam to the US. There is so much lurking just below the surface of this rotten administration.

    • Sam, this is the tip, there is a whole lot more.

      The digging I am doing is in conjunction with the material that Walid is uncovering. It matches up for the most part.

      Coincidentally – or not – I crossed paths with Walid on several occasions, regarding the scourge of Islam. He was more than impressive.And, I do not give compliments easily.

  2. Pingback: Will A Confluence Of Known Terrorists…Jumping To Huma Abedin’s Defense (Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff)… Hit Critical Mass? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  3. Pingback: EVERY Alarm Bell Is Ringing…Tying Barack Hussein Obama To The Muslim Brotherhood…Huma Abedin At The Tippy Top (eye popping video embedded)…Addendum To : When Does Trucking With Terrorists…Breaking Bread & PRAISING…Land On

  4. Pingback: EVERY Alarm Bell Is Ringing…Tying Barack Hussein Obama To The Muslim Brotherhood…Huma Abedin At The Tippy Top (eye popping video embedded)…Addendum To : When Does Trucking With Terrorists…Breaking Bread & PRAISING…Land On

  5. Pingback: EVERY Alarm Bell Is Ringing…Tying Barack Hussein Obama To The Muslim Brotherhood…Huma Abedin At The Tippy Top (eye popping video embedded)…Addendum To : When Does Trucking With Terrorists…Breaking Bread & PRAISING…Land On

  6. Pingback: EVERY Alarm Bell Is Ringing…Tying Barack Hussein Obama To The Muslim Brotherhood…Huma Abedin At The Tippy Top (eye popping video embedded)…Addendum To : When Does Trucking With Terrorists…Breaking Bread & PRAISING…Land On

  7. Pingback: DEBKAfile Intelligence Bares All…The POTUS & His Band of Mischief Makers…Israel In Their Sights!! Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  8. The ‘Manchurian’ Muslim from Mombasa is only using Socialism as a means to an end. Even D’nesh DeSouza is convinced that Obama is a Marxist, but Mr. Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, is an agent of Islam practicing taqqiya. Socialism is simply a red carpet laid out for the establishment of policies and laws within a society which facilitate the advancement of Islam within all aspects of said society under siege until Sharia law can be established as a parallel legal system until such time as the Muslim population is prepared to completely dhimmitudinize the indigenous non-Muslim peoples under only Sharia law at which point the conquering of said people shall have been accomplished.

    • Chris, what you have outlined is the convergence between the red/green alliance.
      The only caveat is once Islamists gain total control, their ‘partners’ in destruction will either have to submit too, or they will be eliminated. As brutal as the reds are – and they are vicious – the Islamists have other tools at their disposal.

      So, for the west’s sake, the downfall of Islamists is the first order of business, then the reds can be dealt with too – by ANY means necessary.

  9. Pingback: Hillary Takes The Fall For The POTUS In Bengazigate…But There IS A Silver Lining…Shining The Spotlight On Huma Abedin…Addendum To: Uncovering The Tip Of Huma Abedin’s Spear…The House of Al-Saud…Commentary By Adina Kutni

  10. Pingback: Hillary Takes The Fall For The POTUS In Bengazigate…But There IS A Silver Lining…Shining The Spotlight On Huma Abedin…Addendum To: Uncovering The Tip Of Huma Abedin’s Spear…The House of Al-Saud…Commentary By Adina Kutni

  11. Pingback: Hillary Takes The Fall For The POTUS In Bengazigate…But There IS A Silver Lining…Shining The Spotlight On Huma Abedin…Addendum To: Uncovering The Tip Of Huma Abedin’s Spear…The House of Al-Saud…Commentary By Adina Kutni

  12. Pingback: Hillary Takes The Fall For The POTUS In Bengazigate…But There IS A Silver Lining…Shining The Spotlight On Huma Abedin…Addendum To: Uncovering The Tip Of Huma Abedin’s Spear…The House of Al-Saud…Commentary By Adina Kutni

  13. Pingback: While America Spirals Downward & The West Is On The Precipice, What Tactics Are Used To Deflect The Public From Obama Inc’s Crimes? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  14. Pingback: HILLARY CLINTON & HER MOBBED UP MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD TERROR ASSOCIATES: INEXORABLY TIED. Politically AND Business-wise. Treasonous. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  15. Pingback: Huma Abedin (Hill’s Top Aide), A MEGA Brotherhood Plant, REVEALED: She Did It ALL For Allah!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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