Capitol Police Increased Security Based on Suspicious ‘Intel’ Warning of Militia Plot to Breach Capitol on March 4 – MEANWHILE, NATIONAL GUARD MISTREATED & SICKENED! WHAT’S GOING ON? [VIDEO] By Adina Kutnicki

[Published at]

BY now, few fail to recognize that the barbed-wire encircling the Capitol in D.C. is nothing short of a third-world depiction of a militarized encampment, that is, other than the deaf, dumb, and blind. Clear as a bell.

NOT only that, those who, supposedly, are tasked to protect the Capitol from so-called right-wing militias — dog-whistle and code for patriots and supporters of the MAGA Movement — are treated more akin to mangy, rabid canines than protectors of the Capitol! How can this be?

WHISTLEBLOWER! More Than One Dozen National Guard Troops Hospitalized in DC…Not What You Think

WELL, long story short — and regardless of all the lies and spin-meistering — the below is a brief encapsulation of the true underbelly of ‘Fort Pelosi & Co.!’

Trump Drops Truth Bomb On ‘Fort Pelosi’! Interview Answer Tells Real Truth Of The Capitol Fence….The Dangerous Escalation of Rhetoric/Incitement Against Patriots/Conservatives [VIDEO]

DC Police Reject FOIA Request For Records Related to Their Probe of Siege of Capitol – Insider Leaked Maps, Internal Docs to Help Assist Rioters Navigate Building [VIDEO] – GUESS WHOSE FINGERPRINTS ARE EMBEDDED??

IN this regard, how telling is it that ‘suspicious intel’ is now in the forefront. Hmm. So much so, Congress has taken Thursday off!

More Insanity: House Shuts Down Thursday Session Over Garbage Claims of Pro-Trump Militia Attack

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THE GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Cristina Laila | March 2, 2021

Capitol Police are increasing security based on ‘intel’ warning of a militia plot to breach the Capitol on March 4.

Thousands of National Guard troops are currently protecting the Capitol that is surrounded by fencing and razor wire – but it’s not enough.

The Capitol Police is now claiming that there is intel warning of a new plan to attack the Capitol building.

According to Fox 5 DC, “sources” say they received an intelligence bulletin warning that Three Percenters were planning on breaching the Capitol on Thursday, March 4.

U.S. Capitol Police sources tell FOX 5 they have received an intelligence bulletin warning of a militia plot to breach the Capitol this Thursday, March 4.

Two sources say officers got the bulletin on Tuesday and that it specifically names the militia group the Three Percenters. Members of the group are accused in the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

There is also some chatter about March 20, the day the Republican party came to life in 1834. And, there’s even some noise about April 15: federal income tax day.

A memo obtained by Fox News from acting House Sergeant at Arms Timothy Blodgett indicates that some threat for March 4 has diminished.

The US government is now using suspect ‘intel’ to justify an indefinite military occupation.

Where else have we seen this before?

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[Cross-referenced at ConservativeFiringLine]

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If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

3 thoughts on “Capitol Police Increased Security Based on Suspicious ‘Intel’ Warning of Militia Plot to Breach Capitol on March 4 – MEANWHILE, NATIONAL GUARD MISTREATED & SICKENED! WHAT’S GOING ON? [VIDEO] By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Capitol Police Increased Security Based on Suspicious ‘Intel’ Warning of Militia Plot to Breach Capitol on March 4 – MEANWHILE, NATIONAL GUARD MISTREATED & SICKENED! WHAT’S GOING ON? [VIDEO] By Adina Kutnicki |

  2. Pingback: Capitol Police Increased Security Based on Suspicious ‘Intel’ Warning of Militia Plot to Breach Capitol on March 4 – MEANWHILE, NATIONAL GUARD MISTREATED & SICKENED! WHAT’S GOING ON? [VIDEO] By Adina Kutnicki | For America

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