IRSgate: Obama Inc About To Be Blown Wide Open; Its Revolving IRS Door…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

One doesn’t operate a corporate tax practice without countless interfaces with the (dreaded) IRS behemoth. In fact, having them on speed dial – at least its Chief Compliance Division & Taxpayer Advocate Service – is more than prudent. Not doing so would be downright inefficient. And this blogger is anything but disorganized.

Now imagine said practice deeply involved with forensic accounting, as well as non-profit 990 filings for both 501 (c) (3) applicants which deals with religious, educational, charitable, scientific entities and the like, and 501 (c) (4) involving social welfare, civic issues, political-oriented orgs. The ability to fully distinguish between the applicable requirements for tax exemption requires a certain skill set – Taken a step further, it means understanding what is allowable and what isn’t, and not only from the perspective of the non-profit applicant. It involves a discerning and keen eye, intuiting when even the regularly invasive IRS has crossed the line. Going up the chain of command may become necessary, especially when said Field Agent appears out of their depth. (as an aside…generally the sharpest tool in the shed doesn’t become an Agent, they opt for private practice or a challenging postion in the high paying private sector) And any practice which can’t tell the difference between legal and illegal IRS behavior is less than reputable.

So when IRSgate first hit the fan, the immediate recognizable sign pointing towards illegal conduct was the highly personal, inappropriate, totally irrelevant, intrusive nature of the questioning. Questioning which is out of bounds under any circumstance, even if it involves an insatiably “curious” IRS Examiner.

‘IRS Officials Visited White House More Than 100 Times During

Targeting – Bush-Era IRS Chief Visited WH Once in 4 Years.’

Monday, May 27, 2013 23:14

Rick Moran * American Thinker

More grist for the conspiracy mill – except the way this thing is going, conspiracy may be the least of our worries.


Top IRS officials, whose agency was under investigation for targeting conservative groups, visited the Obama White House more than 100 times over two years while the probe was going on, far more often than in previous administrations and frequently enough that Republicans suspect White House officials knew about the targeting.

Lawmakers now investigating the Internal Revenue Service practice zeroed in on those nearly weekly White House meetings to determine whether an IRS official — or someone higher up in the administration — had approved the targeting and whether it was politically motivated.

The frequent meetings also raised questions about the White House’s claims that it couldn’t have instigated the targeting of conservative groups because it took a hands-off approach to the tax agency, going so far as to describe it as independent of the administration even though it’s part of the Treasury Department.


Here’s some more meat on the bones – “The Washington Examiner reported on Monday that Mark Everson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue from 2003 to 2007, during the Bush administration, visited the White House exactly once while in office. Indeed he felt like he’d “moved to Siberia” so out of the ordinary political loop was he. But Douglas Shulman, Commissioner from 2008 to 2012, during the Obama administration, visited the White House 118 times just in 2010 and 2011. His successor, Steven Miller, also visited “numerous” times.” –

Want to know where the IRS is really headed, if the brakes aren’t applied?  

‘Obama’s IRS Spies’ – video embedded

MAY 28, 2013 BY  
Floyd Brown, in his prescient exposé Obama’s Enemies List, shouted from the highest mountain, warning of a rogue Obama administration and its mammoth enemies list; but the Establishment refused to listen. Now that the IRS scandal and attack on the Press has proven him right, the mainstream media is playing catch up.
As long as it was just those so-called “extremist” Tea Party, pro-life, and Christian groups that were being attacked, no one seemed to care. But now that we know the Obama administration is an “equal opportunity” attacker, going after the Associated Press, Fox News, local reporters, Romney donors, Benghazi whistleblowers, etc., etc. (with more Obama enemies sure to surface), the country now seems to be taking notice.

But this is only the surface of how the Obama enemies list works. Everything, and I mean everything, is geared towards an enemies list, which is predicated on having an extensive surveillance state.

The communist Saul Alinsky, Barack Hussein Obama’s favorite community organizer, famously said, “The issue is never the issue.” Put a little more plainly: “Deception is our Modus Operandi.”

Case in point: ObamaCare.

Presumably, ObamaCare is about access to healthcare. But doctors are dropping out of the healthcare system in droves, healthcare is already being rationed, and healthcare costs are skyrocketing as much as four hundred percent.

The issue is never the issue. ObamaCare is notabout access to healthcare; it’s about an elaborate system to support an enemies list.

Enter the IRS, now in charge of ObamaCare.

In order for the IRS to supposedly determine whether Americans are eligible for government subsidies to pay for mandated health insurance, they must collect a horrendous amount of information on every single American. The IRS is creating a database so vast that it makes George Orwell’s dystopian society in the book1984 look like amateur hour. Called the Federal Data Services Hub, it will combine the IRS’s income and employment database with the Social Security, Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and Health and Human Services databases. Combined with the proposed Immigration Bill creating a national ID system, this will be the mother of all databases—the mother of a complete and total surveillance state.

Does America really believe that the same woman behind the targeting of conservatives at the IRS, former commissioner of tax exempt and government entities Sarah Hall Ingram, now promoted to the head of the IRS’ Affordable Care Act office, was a coincidence? That the person in charge of sending hundreds of questionnaires to Tea Party, pro-life, and Christian groups asking for personal information was promoted to the ObamaCare office by some objective bureaucratic points system?

The issue is never the issue. ObamaCare is not about healthcare; it’s about surveillance. It’s about control. But most importantly, it’s about having access to the information of your enemies. And Obama specifically chose Sarah Hall Ingram to be in charge of this mammoth enemies list.

Conservative groups were prevented from obtaining tax-exempt status by the IRS, forcing them to divulge donor lists, intern lists, and political and family connections, Facebook posts, tweets, event records, transcripts of speeches, even the content of their prayers, all as part of an effort to collect data on their enemies.

Imagine you are a Tea Party member who needs hip replacement surgery. Sarah Hall Ingram, Obama’s chief ObamaCare enforcer, sees the request but also sees through her extensive database that you are part of a local Tea Party group that had opposed ObamaCare, the plan you are now locked into. Think you’ll get a hip replacement? Think again. First will come the endless questions. First will come the long wait. Only when you come around to Obama’s “common sense” approached to healthcare (that is, socialized medicine) and drop the whole perceived Tea Party nonsense will you get the healthcare you need.

The issue is never the issue. ObamaCare is not about healthcare; it’s about a surveillance state. It’s about Obama having access to information on his enemies.

If ObamaCare is allowed to continue—if the Obama administration is allowed to continue, we will no longer have a United States of America. It will be something else. A truly Orwellian nightmare with Barack Hussein Obama as Big Brother and the enemies of the state being conservatives.

Most significantly, the IRS is supposed to function independently of the White House and without its interference, unless a COMPELLING public interest is at stake. Color this blogger a skeptic, but when a regime goes wild, isn’t it reasonable that illegal behavior on the part of the IRS would be encouraged and given more than a wink and a nod? –

Extrapolating herein, it was patently obvious that the targeting of Conservative groups (Jewish Zionist ones alike – – whose audience is mainly Conservative…yes, there are politically Conservative Jews!) was directly related to electoral interference. For IF an organization spends an inordinate amount of time away from accomplishing the goals of their Mission Statement ; IF much needed funds are expended on corp tax accountants (they don’t come cheap!), in a vain  attempt to comply with reams of questions which are non-ending; IF a non-profit’s status is held in abeyance, therefore, donations become taxable and fewer pour in; then the amount of damage accrued to a confluence of targeted groups becomes insurmountable, effectively tipping the electoral balance…akin to stealing the election in broad daylight! 

Consider this grudge match: if a middle class earner tries to go up against a millionaire in the money arena, and then the millionaire attempts to fight the billionaire, does anyone have a doubt who will come out on top?

In essence, Obama Inc’s abuse of the IRS’s purview – which is NEVER allowed to show any bias whatsoever in its mandate – not only indicts all players into jail cells, but it proves beyond a doubt that the IRS has become irredeemably tainted. So not only should their top colluding henchmen/women share adjoining cells with Obama Inc., but the IRS itself must be dismantled, reg by reg.

A flat tax is becoming more and more appealing and the prudent way forward. It will cure much of the sickness feeding Washington’s voracious appetite, and that would be a positive outcome out of an outrageous abuse of power polluting the Beltway!  

UPDATE: Tom Trento, as always ( is right on the mark, as he interviews Walid Shoebat – 


“Islamic Extremism and

Sex Slaves…courtesy of the

scandal-ridden IRS”

President Obama’s relatives run Charities of Deceit
When Malik Obama, President Obama’s half-brother, and Sarah Obama
the president’s step-grandmother raised money in the United States,
they claimed it was for charity work in Kogelo, Kenya. It was later
discovered that not only did the IRS illegally grant one of them
(Malik) tax-deductible status retroactively, but in so doing,
it supported an operation rife with polygamy and terror recruitment.
5-6pm (E) – Weekdays
WNN-1470am – Boca Raton, FL.
Jay Smith – Islamic expert from London
explains Muslim savage attack on Lee Rigby

17 thoughts on “IRSgate: Obama Inc About To Be Blown Wide Open; Its Revolving IRS Door…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. it is all that you said. it is worse than you said. I know you are aware of the implications and the truth.

    if this is to be corrected it will be by means of a hot war since congress will not do anything. the longer it festers in the present trajectory the harder it will be to mobilize a resistance.

    save me a bunk in thegulag.

  2. Pingback: Commentary By Adina Kutnicki – IRSgate: Obama Inc About To Be Blown Wide Open; Its Revolving IRS Door… | partneringwitheagles

  3. Pingback: Holder’s DOJ, As If On Cue, Bellies Up To Invoke Islamic “Blasphemy” Laws In The USA!…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  4. Pingback: IRS Enforcement Agents To Be Armed With SHOTGUNS…As Law Abiding Citizens Are Disarmed! Where Is This Headed? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: IRSgate, Via Its Chief Counsel, Lands Squarely At The Lawbreaker-in-Chief’s Door! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  6. Pingback: The POTUS’s Illegal Actions: A 36 Page Compendium…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  7. Pingback: The POTUS’ Illegal Actions: 36pp Compendium; Commentary by Adina Kutnicki

  8. Pingback: The POTUS’s Illegal Actions: A 36 Page Compendium… Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | askmarion

  9. Pingback: IRSgate & Smokin’ Hot E-Mails: When Will ‘The People’s’ Nightmare End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  10. Pingback: The POTUS’ Illegal Actions: 36pp Compendium; | Socialism is not the Answer




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