JADE HELM 15 ALERT: “Population Control” Via Analytics. “Mastering The Human Domain!” Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BEFORE we review the latest interpretation of JADE HELM 15’s underbelly, please recall a very clear caveat via a previously reported commentary: “NEVERTHELESS, this site is NOT suggesting that anything discernible (emphasis placed) will take place after the exercises are deemed “over”, sometime in mid September. Yes, the timing of whatever they have planned is fluid and anyone’s guess. Yet, it is no longer tenable to accept their bold-faced lies: these exercises are for overseas fighting scenarios! Bull sh-t.”

THAT being established, many are cognizant that within every operation there exists an overriding and main objective. However, said focus doesn’t obviate, as required, the implementation of other moving parts. Think of JADE HELM 15 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-2SweY33m4 – as the highest powered train imaginable, and with many cabooses following behind. On the other hand, visualize some of them, when instructed, breaking off to go solo. Smokin’ hot.

EFFECTIVELY, though martial law is a MAIN piece of their training, the overall objective is much more insidious. In other words, martial law is a means to an end. Indeed, as posited:

JADE HELM 15 Will Change America Forever
ONCE viewed, if you can hang onto your guts, just walk past the balderdash that the exercises have to do with “evolving” threats. 

The looming Jade Helm exercise, set for July 15 through Sept. 15, labels Texas and Utah as hostile areas. Global Research also reported the military says New Mexico “isn’t much friendlier.” Other states participating: California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.

Some of the social media commentary so far: “The Pentagon’s ‘Operations Jade Helm 15′: The Floodgate towards Martial Law and World War III?”

And another: “Using Foreign Troops with Jade Helm Martial Law is TREASON.”

Yet one more poster pointed to recent reported Wal-Mart closures in Texas, California, Florida and Oklahoma with concern, saying the cited “plumbing problems” cited as the reason for the sudden shut-downs just don’t meet the smell test.

“Employees impacted by the Wal-Mart closures were given just a few hours notice about the six-month shutdown,” the blog Inquisitr wrote. “Approximately 2,200 employees will now be without a paycheck during the ‘extended repairs.’ … The abrupt Wal-Mart closures announcement has reportedly left employees confused and Americans pondering the existence of Wal-Mart underground tunnels and Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories.”

One of the theories?

Inquisitr reports: “One of the widely circulating rumors associated with the Jade Helm Wal-Mart story on the Internet speculates that the military will use the underground tunnels to move undetected around certain states with the stores being used as either a communications hub or FEMA camps.”

The fear is ratcheted by the fact city officials who govern the areas of the impacted Wal-Marts say the stores haven’t filed any permit requests for plumbing problems, Inquisitr said.

Meanwhile, a presentation made to Big Spring, Texas, City Council members by Tom Meade, a retired special forces senior non-commissioned officer, to explain some of the upcoming Jade Helm exercises emphasized residents shouldn’t worry about private property trespasses.

“We won’t trespass on somebody’s property without the agreement of that landowner,” he said, in a YouTube video of the presentation.

He also described the operation as a joint military-inter-agency activity involving members of all military branches, the FBI, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies. Meade said the FBI, for example, will do some questioning at one of the airports in Arizona.

One council member asked about the operation’s involvement of NATO and U.N. personnel.

“Currently … it is U.S. only,” Meade said.

AS is known, this site is hardly alone in raising requisite alarm bells, even though others – who should know better – are clinging to a “benign” interpretation of the unprecedented military hardware (and psy ops operations) deployed on America’s streets! Yes, it is becoming increasingly obvious to many, aside from those whose vested interest is the same as Obama Inc.’s. 

During the drill, soldiers will operate “undetected amongst civilian populations,” to see if they can infiltrate without being noticed. Residents will be encouraged to report “suspicious activity” during the exercise.

In response, patriot groups led by Pete Lanteri, former president of Icon Tactical Industries, will monitor the exercises.

HANG on for more reality checks…

This week was the new “official” launch date for Jade Helm and a very clear picture is taking shape. It is now apparent that Jade Helm has at least four purposes:

  1. Political dissident extractions to be carried out under the NDAA which “allows” for the unconstitutional practice of indefinite detention without the required 5th Amendment Due Process protections. These extractions will be carried out, at least in the “drill” by Special Operations Forces (e.g. Navy Seals, Green Berets, etc.) who are trained for such activities.
  2. Martial law will be enforced by the “regular military” (e.g. 82nd Airborne).
  3. Jade Helm provides cover for the massive movement of troops in preparation for World War III with the Russians and the Chinese.
  4. The newest Jade Helm mandate, the fourth goal of Jade Helm, which is very dangerous from an historical perspective, is gun confiscation.

This article focuses on the newest Jade Helm revelation, gun confiscation. The evidence presented to support the fact that Jade Helm is about the confiscation of American guns, more than likely centering on the veterans, is divided into two parts:

  1. The contextual legislative background that demonstrates that this administration does indeed have the intention of seizing American guns.
  2. Events on the ground which serve to demonstrate that the contextual legislative background is, or is about to, go live…..read the whole thing!

RESULTANT, as more and more patriots are left with a sinking feeling as to its end game, it is incumbent to think outside-the-box.

IN this regard, it is not enough to latch onto this and that separate component to attempt to connect the dots. But what is mandatory is to honestly assess where the moving parts fit, and then to take a look-back into historical precedent. 

ALAS, what’s the upshot? Well, cogitate over this:

“The term, “Mastering the Human Domain,” reveals to us that Jade Helm 15 is more than just a military exercise, it’s also an exercise of the new field in geo-spatial intelligence using human domain analytics to map the politics and thoughts of any nation, state, city, right down to the individual……

“While the term “eugenics” is no longer used in the mainstream openly, the practice of eugenics is still around and stronger than ever. Jade Helm 15 exercises the next generation of technology in the arena of political domination. It is a technological leap beyond the Cold Springs Harbor Research facilities biometrics program or Thomas J Watson’s census of Germany. Jade Helm 15 exercises the new tech tools of political domination in order to facilitate the new {emphasis place} eugenics.”


GEOINT Symposium 2010 actually laid out the parameters for JADE HELM 15’s “mapping”, and the 2012 symposium fleshed out how to guarantee a “more controlled society.” Rest assured, for every quantum leap garnered via technological genius, there are those who willfully abuse said scientific prowess. Evil. Even so, it is patently clear that national security necessitates said highly developed intelligence formatting for constantly evolving threat levels. Nevertheless, for all practical purposes, said designs can then be turned against ones own population! Herein lies JADE HELM 15’s dangerous thrust.


AS to the above reference, “take a look-back into historical precedent”, let’s listen carefully to President Eisenhower’s oft neglected farewell speech via its underlying messaging. So, pay heed to his prescient warning

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

MOST significantly, it has been the goal of globalists – and those who operate under their domain, Obama Inc. alike – to “map out a more controlled society.” 

AS Zbigniew Brzeziński haughtily intoned:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”

HMM…the spooky dude is as scary as one gets. Yet, few have a clue that he sits in Obama Inc.’s top tier! This is no accident.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a senior adviser to President Barack Obama on matters of national security and foreign policy, Obama Adviser Brzezinskis Off-the-record Speech to British Elites.

Brzezinski elaborated, “…in early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”.


CFR Meeting Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening.

Zbigniew Brzezinski giving the CFR branch in Montreal a presentation discussing world government and his fears of the mass global awakening that has taken place.

Brzezinski Decries Global Political Awakening During CFR Speech

CONSEQUENTIALLY, considering the fact that the aforementioned is HUSSEIN Obama’s top foreign policy adviser, juxtapose his clear geo-strategic positions in relationship to the attendant global chaos encircling under his foreign policy (advisory) “domain.” Then, couple said (purposeful) chaotic chess moves with his views on the absolute determination to move towards “a society dominated by an elite.” Thus, how doesn’t JADE HELM 15 fit in on a domestic level? Recall, the above warning: “certain designs can then be turned against ones own population.” Therein lies the crux.

INTRINSICALLY, these exercises fit like a glove; a military mapping out of (mostly, but not exclusively) “hostile” quadrants via scientifically devised techno analytics, those which allow forces to move in and out of the public domain with significant ease. 

CLEAR as a (warning) bell!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}