DHS Orders Border Patrol: LIE About Islamic Infiltration! To What End? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


(SOMALI terrorists entering the U.S…and “hidden” factors…)

WHEN a person is caught without their underwear – in an indelicate situation – they cannot claim that they aren’t naked, at least from the waist down. Agreed?

SIMILARLY, when top level (loose) lips reveal national secrets; and when those operating in the shadows to protect said nation are continually compromised (some even prosecuted for doing their jobs!) by the Feds, at whose doorstep(s) must some of their highly suspicious deaths land? You guessed it. 

AND as is said, the buck stops here, wherever here happens to be. 

IN this regard, there are two major betrayals (out of enumerable, but let’s not digress…) which should be front and center national news, yet both are swept under the (media) rug. What the hell is going on?

WELL, let’s deal with the most recent and then revert back to 2011 – a betrayal of inordinate proportions – though few recognized, 4 years ago, it for what it was.

ADMITTEDLY, DHS is the absolute top of America’s domestic spear, and all attendant agencies answer to its anti-American Director, Jeh Johnson. Oh dear, he even likened the blood-soaked Koran with American values! Well, if one is a patriot this is not good news.

BUT to understand why patriots should rightfully shudder, one has to recognize that DHS, under Obama Inc. (regardless who sits at the head of the agency), is a renegade agency. Yes, it is.


DEMONSTRABLY, under DHS’s supreme umbrella, no one should be naive enough to believe that an actual firing squad is not in the offing against patriots who refuse to “stand down”. Thus, the inherent alarms re DHS and their plans of action.

SO consider the facts at hand, but readers can decide for themselves:


WHY in heaven’s name are so many patriots raising their own alarms? Could it be that they realize that DHS is laser focused on patriots, perhaps those who “stubbornly cling” to the Constitution?


AND in light of fact one, how about DHS’s unprecedented purchase of (domestic) heavy ammo, yet to be explained by any person in an official capacity? Few can argue, even within officialdom, that said requisitions are beyond disproportionate in scope. Again, inquiring minds demand to know: what are they up to?


IT gets worse…the obvious militarization of police forces throughout the U.S. is not for nothing. Could it be in anticipation of a big event, preparing for an unprecedented “expected” chaos, perhaps, necessitating Martial Law? Hmm. Indeed, such planning will be required once the sh-t hits the fan, whatever its “precipitating” factor. Yes, “law and order” will need to be restored.


BUT let’s not forget about DHS’s penchant for dumping thousands of convicted criminals, illegals to boot, into America’s streets! To what end?

AND so we head from there to here, as readers must internalize a two-fold query: what is the purview of Border Patrol? and why in the world is DHS ordering its agents to lie about this and that entry?

FIRST things first…

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

CBP employees manage, control and protect the nation’s border. CBP’s two main stated goals are anti-terrorism and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. CBP works to protect the U.S from acts of terrorism and reduce the vulnerability to the threat of terrorists through a multi-level inspection process. CBP is also responsible for preventing the transportation of drugs, illegal immigrants, traffickers, prohibited agricultural products and counterfeit goods, money, and intellectual goods across the border. CBP is made up of personnel who were formerly with the U.S customs.

OKEY dokey…

BUT now that readers have caught up to (DHS) speed, it gets harder to mask how the purview of Border Patrol has been bastardized, yet the question still remains: to what end?

HERE is where the betrayal becomes so obvious, that even a mental midget can grasp its intent:

Joe S. Adams, Jr. has been working on the US Southern border for years providing security for ranchers and concerned citizens.

Joe is a private investigator and former Central Intelligence Agency operative who trained forces and acted as a security consultant for officials in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe. Adams was the first person indicted in Iran-Contra and served one day of unsupervised probation for the “crime.”

This morning Joe contacted The Gateway Pundit to relay a recent situation on the southern border in Arizona.

According to Adam, several Somali men were recently apprehended crossing the border into Arizona. When ICE officials came to pick up the illegals they told the rancher that the aliens were Mexican. The rancher argued that of course the men were obviously from Somalia. That’s when ICE told the rancher that they were ordered to report all illegals as from Mexico – including these men from Somalia. It’s the latest trick by the Obama administration to deceive the American public on the calamity at the border.

PRESTO, what has this investigative journalist been saying all along, about the nefarious, yes, nefarious intent of Obama Inc.’s Federal apparatuses? 

NOT only is proof positive coming from a former CIA operative with the requisite field intelligence to know what’s what (Obama Inc. ain’t gonna get away with blowing smoke up his derriere), but a veteran investigative journalist is blaring the same whistle. Oh my.

NOW, mind you, this is not just any old media type stating this and that. Rather, among many other notable achievements, Paul Sperry is the co-author of Muslim Mafia with one of this site’s closest confidantes, Dave Gaubatz. As such, take it to the bank…to heart.

Muslim immigration from dangerous nations is dramatically higher in recent years, and government assurances that immigrants are being properly screened is “a farce,” according to accomplished author and columnist Paul Sperry.

“It’s a huge surge under Obama. In the last three years, he’s averaged 100,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations a year. That is very alarming. It’s more than we’re importing both from Central America and Mexico combined. This is a big shift in immigration flows,” said Sperry, who is the author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington” and co-author of “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.” (blogger’s note: read the aforementioned investigative books at your own mental peril…)

“It’s really insane what we’re doing. No one’s really talking about it, but this mass immigration from Muslim countries poses a serious national security threat,” said Sperry, who is also a Hoover Institution media fellow and former Washington bureau chief of WND. Sperry frequently writes for the New York Post and Investor’s Business Daily.

The stated reason for the influx in recent years is the rise in refugees from war-torn nations like Syria and Iraq. The number of people accepted from Syria in particular baffles Sperry, who said there is a long-standing policy of keeping Syrians at bay…..read the whole nightmare…

YET, if your heart can withstand additional ugly “news”, as promised, let’s segue back to a specific 2011 betrayal, and its ongoing ramifications.

HOW many recall the shoot down of a helicopter-load of SEALS, and all the attendant inexplicable anomalies related to their killing?

AS such, several exposés were featured at this site, and the last one  (July 2014) should stand as its standard bearer: SEAL TEAM SIX shoot down and cover up; Benghazigate’s footprints!

ITS rhyme and reason, so to speak.

EVEN so, thankfully, the fight for justice continues, and this is where Larry Klayman’s public interest law firm enters the picture.

Klayman wants the federal courts in the Extortion 17 case to order the government agencies to review their records regarding the Aug. 6, 2011, disaster and respond with information about documents he’s seeking.

It was a Boeing CH47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, that was shot down near Kabul, Afghanistan. Enemy fighters reportedly used a rocket-propelled grenade to hit the aircraft, which plummeted to the ground.

The Extortion 17 attack is considered the worst single loss of U.S. military life in the Afghanistan campaign.

The lawsuit alleges the defendants “have failed to make bona fide, good faith determinations about whether they will comply with plaintiff’s requests. Nor have defendants produced any records responsive to the requests, indicated when any responsive records will be produced, or demonstrated that specific responsive records are exempt from production.”

The suit seeks a long list of documents regarding suspicious circumstances, including the decision “to invite a Muslim cleric to pray at the ramp ceremony” in Afghanistan for the U.S. servicemen.

Also, there are questions about the “missing” black box, the seven Afghani military members who were scheduled to be on the flight, but weren’t, and the seven Afghanis who replaced them.

Also, there were reports it was known that 100 Taliban members had traveled to the location of the attack. Also cited is Biden’s “public disclosures” of classified military information, revealing the identities of members of a high-profile mission….

NOW, if you really want to make heads or tails out of the unremitting disasters, assess its dangers this way: in the same manner in which a committed ISLAMIC POTUS appointed an equally devoted ISLAMIC Director to head the CIA – the counterpart to DHS, but in the foreign arena – this same CIA head, John Brennan, hasn’t a clue as to why followers of Islam are joining ISIS and its offshoots! Go figure…

After assuring all in attendance that al-Qaeda’s ideology is “a perverse and very corrupt interpretation of the Qur’an”; that “al-Qaeda has hijacked” Islam; that “they have really distorted the teachings of Muhammad”—Brennan still confirmed that, even so “that ideology, that agenda of al-Qaeda has gained resonance and following in many parts of the world.”

When asked why such a “perverse and very corrupt” understanding of Islam—one that has “distorted the teachings of Muhammad”—so resonates among Muslims, the CIA responded by saying that it was being “fed a lot of times by, you know, political repression, by economic, you know, disenfranchisement, by, you know, lack of education and ignorance, so there—there are a number of phenomena right now that I think are fueling the fires of, you know, this ideology.”

Interestingly, if you watch the video clip of Brennan’s speech, you will note that he only “you knows” in the above quotation (four times) and right before it, when he says that al-Qaeda has “distorted the teachings of Muhammad, you know, for violent purposes.”

The rest of his talk is relatively smooth. Could Brennan be self-conscious of his own equivocations—hence all these stilted “you knows” in one sentence?

Could he be aware of the Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009? It found that “Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.”

Or consider the following excerpt from Understanding Terror Networks, by Marc Sageman, a former CIA officer who worked closely with jihadi groups in Afghanistan (emphasis mine):

There was a definite shift in degree of devotion to Islam in adulthood by the mujahedin [jihadis],preceding their recruitment into the jihad. This is not surprising given the fact that the global Salafi jihad is a Muslim revivalist organization. Of the 155 mujahedin on whom I could find relevant information, all but one were considerably more devout right before joining the jihad than they had been as children. More than 99 percent were very religious at that time, often donning Afghan, Pakistani, or traditional Arabic garb and growing beards…

“Devotion to Islam” is what causes Muslims to join the Islamic State. Despite this very obvious fact, Obama officials constantly deny it, offering more “sensible” motives. Thus during a recent interview on MSNBC’s Hardball, State Department spokesperson Marie Harf said that one of “the root causes that leads people to join these groups,” a reference to the Islamic State, is a lack of opportunity for jobs.”

“Political repression,” “economic disenfranchisement,” “lack of education and ignorance,” and now a “lack of opportunity for jobs.” These, according to the Obama administration, are why countless, nameless Muslims from all around the world are waging jihad—not the commonsensical fact that jihad is integral to Islam, doctrinally and historically.

A final point of interest. This widespread tendency to project Western cultural explanations onto non-Western people is the height of arrogance and ethnocentrism—precisely what progressives and multiculturalists constantly warn against. Yet the irony is that such “open-minded” proponents of cultural relativism are also the ones most prone to ignore Islamic teachings. When Brennan, Harf et al insist that jihadis are really not motivated by religion but rather are products of political, economic, and social forces, is this total dismissal of the “other” and his peculiar motivations (in favor of familiar, Western paradigms) not the epitome of cultural arrogance?

CONCLUSIVELY, is it any wonder why DHS is ordering Border Patrol to LIE about the identity of “who’s who” on the roster of infiltration and penetration into the U.S.? In tandem, is it any clearer, as to why SEALS (the top spear from special ops, those who “intimately” engage said ISLAMIC terrorists on foreign soil) were brought down in a fiery crash, while others are chased out of the “band of brothers” by trumped-up lies?

ULTIMATELY, whom do you believe: a renegade regime, or your “lying” eyes that witness ISLAM’s bloody swathe from one end of the world to the other?

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}