Obama’s “Rebels”, ISIS Aligned, Laying Waste To Mid East/N Africa’s Christian & Minority Communities…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


WHENEVER atrocities occur within Syria, Iraq, Libya and related arenas, rest assured, Obama Inc.’s “rebels” are not far behind. In fact, they are deeply in the mix. ISIS linked and pledged. Evidence galore.

To Battle ISIS Jihadists, Obama Will Arm More Jihadists in Syria

MUCH has been written at this site about Obama Inc.’s support for the “rebels”, most of whom have long been connected to Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and Salafist offshoots, including ISIS. 

IN fact, regarding the connections – on a multiplicity of occasions – mega alarm bells blared. Most recently, the following was cited: U.S. military confirms that Obama is sabotaging fight against ISIS! As is said, them’s fighting words…..

NOT only that, sans material support by the (wayward) Commander-in-Chief, countless civilians in the aforementioned countries would still be alive. In other words, the real killing fields were armed and trained by none other than the leadership of the free world!

Even though the Obama administration’s previous unconstitutional support for jihadists and rebels in Syria empowered the “Islamic State” to begin with, the president announced on September 10 that a key part of his strategy to deal with the ISIS threat would be to provide still more weapons and training to Islamists. Without constitutional or congressional authority to do so, then, Obama is plotting to supposedly defeat jihadists and terrorists by arming and supporting what he refers to as “moderate” jihadists and terrorists. In reality, as has been documented by The New American and countless others, there is virtually no difference between the “moderate rebels” and the terrorists often referred to as ISIS or ISIL.

Critics ridiculed Obama’s anti-constitutional “strategy” as absurd, but it appears that he will not be deterred. Other analysts noted that, after failing in his Libya war-style bid to overthrow the anti-ISIS Assad regime by backing jihadists, Obama appears to be plotting “regime change” in Syria through the back door. Not only will he be providing more support to the jihadist rebels, under the guise of striking ISIS, Obama also vowed to unleash military strikes within Syrian territory — something Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said last month would be considered an act of aggression if done without permission. Jihadist rebel groups in Syria immediately celebrated Obama’s plot.

In the president’s highly anticipated speech on Wednesday night, he claimed the goal was to “degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL.” However, as The New American and countless other publications have documented extensively,U.S. foreign policy is almost entirely responsible for the group’s emergence and power. From the United Nations-approved campaign to overthrow Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi by backing jihadists, to arming and training Islamic terrorists in Syria to depose the Assad regime, Obama’s entire Middle East policy seemed almost designed to create the ISIS threat. More than a few analysts even said Obama had “switched sides” in the terror war.

Last night, Obama announced that he would double down. “Across the border, in Syria, we have ramped up our military assistance to the Syrian opposition,” Obama boasted, seemingly oblivious to the irony and absurdity of it all. “Tonight, I call on Congress again to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip these fighters. In the fight against ISIL, we cannot rely on an Assad regime [a former U.S. ally] that terrorizes its own people — a regime that will never regain the legitimacy it has lost.  Instead, we must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria’s crisis once and for all.” He also noted that his “allies” were also already “sending arms and assistance” to “the Syrian opposition.”

One major problem with that “strategy,” of course, is that even the supposed “moderate” Syrian opposition — all of whom proudly describe themselves as Islamists and jihadists fighting for Allah against an “apostate” regime have openly boasted of their collaboration with both al-Qaeda and ISIS. “We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the [al-Qaeda-linked] Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in … Qalamoun,” commander Bassel Idriss with the Obama-backed “Free Syrian Army” recently told Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper.

Indeed, entire FSA brigades armed and trained by Obama and his “allies” have proudly defected to ISIS, taking all of their Western government-provided weaponry with them. Even Islamic State operatives boast of their intimate ties with Obama’s “moderate” rebels in major media outlets. “We are buying weapons from the FSA,” ISIS terrorist Abu Atheer was quoted as saying by Al-Jazeera. “We bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti-tank weapons. We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA. For us, the infidels are those who cooperate with the West to fight Islam……

THE linkage can no longer be in doubt, and this site’s (prescient) recaps attest as much:

                                         Recap One:

BACK in March 2013 a warning was issued about Syria’s “rebels”, and a chemical alert was part and parcel thereof. Indeed, it stated: “rebels” more dangerous than Assad’s thugs; Al Qaeda/Salafists in the forefront.

                                         Recap Two:

BUT fast forward to Sept. 2013…Syria’s kiddies were actually gassed! Shocking, but certainly not on this end. Nevertheless, how many even realized that these same children were actually kidnapped – a week prior to their gassing – by Obama Inc’s supported “rebels”? Not too many.

                                       Recap Three:

AND who recalls Senator McCain’s intensive, shrill-pitched backing for “rebel” factions, even though irrefutable evidence piled up about their real fealty? Take a peek. Holy jihad!


So here’s a heck of a thing: Back in May 2013, forever Warmonger John McCain was really excited about the prospects of arming the Syrian “moderates” who were fighting to free that country from the iron grip of Bashar al-Assad. He even sneaked into the country to meet with the head of the Free Syrian Army, Gen. Salim Idris, the fellow in the striped shirt there (Idris was ousted in February of this year).

Only one small problem with the little photo-op: In addition to Idris, some of the other guys in the pic are apparently members of a slightly less “moderate” group: ISIS, the guys who are currently bringing down Iraq, and the photo is reportedly being circulated by ISIS as proof of their legitimacy. Oops.

OOPS, indeed.

IN this regard, how is it NOT possible to blame Barack HUSSEIN Obama for the uptick in persecution, the decimation, of Christians and minorities in the Mid East (and Africa), in so far as “his rebels” are at the epicenter. Less than six degrees of separation.

“During weeks of planning before the assault, rebel fighters were given strict orders to use the offensive to show themselves as “moderate Muslims” and natural allies of the West.” Time for Obama to send them more weapons, and the UN to issue another condemnation of…Israel. “Dispatch: Syria rebels ‘burned down churches and destroyed Christian graves,’” by Ruth Sherlock, the Telegraph, January 3, 2015 (thanks to Angry):

When insurgents stormed Kessab, they posted pictures of themselves protecting ancient churches. But a visit to the Syrian town tells a different story.

Rain seeped into the tombs through shattered flagstones. Nearby, marble crosses lay in pieces. Plastic flowers, once lovingly placed on a grave, were torn and stamped into the earth.

Beside the desecrated graveyard in the Syrian town of Kessab stood the Holy Trinity Armenian Evangelical church. Its library, pews and altar had all been burned by arsonists.

The perpetrators had shown both purpose and glee in their destruction of Christian sites in this ancient Armenian town. Statues were riddled with bullets and Islamist slogans were scrawled across the walls of homes and shops.

Once a haven from Syria’s civil war, nestled in the hills of Latakia province, Kessab gained international fame when it was captured by rebels last spring in a surprise offensive that forced the town’s 2,500 Armenian Christians to flee.

Turkey was widely accused of helping the insurgents to capture Kessab, despite the participation in the attack of Jabhat al-Nusra, an affiliate of al-Qaeda.

But the Syrian armed forces took back the town in June after it had endured three months of rebel occupation. The Telegraph traveled to the area on a facility trip with the Syrian regime to witness the aftermath of the battle.

The desecration of Kessab’s churches contradicts the claims of Syrian rebels that their fighters are non-sectarian protectors of Christian residents and heritage.

The evidence also fails to support counter-claims by pro-government groups that Armenian Christians were “massacred” during the rebel offensive.

When this assault began last year, Turkey’s then prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was facing a general election and his rebel allies in Syria were losing ground to regime forces. The offensive on Kessab was intended to bolster both the insurgents and their Turkish backers.

During weeks of planning before the assault, rebel fighters were given strict orders to use the offensive to show themselves as “moderate Muslims” and natural allies of the West.

Kessab is protected by a mountain range, acting as a natural fortress against invasion, and the Turkish border almost surrounds the town. It was only when Turkish troops allowed free movement across the frontier that the rebels were able to storm and capture Kessab.

In the first hours, all appeared to be going according to plan. Insurgents, including those from the Islamist group Ahrar al-Sham, posed for pictures showing them protecting churches and talking gently to local people.

About 30 Armenians, who had been too elderly or frail to escape the offensive, were placed on minibuses and driven to Turkey, where they were given a warm reception that was covered in minute detail by state television.

Ignoring the participation of Islamist extremists in the offensive – including a large number of foreign jihadists – Ahmed Jarba, the head of the Syrian National Coalition, travelled to Kessab and claimed a victory.

But immediately after the media spotlight fell away, residents of Kessab told the Telegraph that the desecration began.

They took photographs to show they were looking after the churches, and then set them alight,” said Father Miron Avedissian, priest of the Armenian Apostolic church that was largely destroyed. “It all still happened in the first day.”

If Western-backed rebels tried to stop the rampage by their extremist allies, there was little evidence of a struggle.

Doors, walls and shopfronts on the town’s narrow streets are covered in scrawled messages declaring “There is no God but Allah”…..

AS to more proof(s) in the pudding, how many declarations, how many times, did the Islamist-in-Chief exhort from his “bully pulpit” (which he abused to incite to a race-war in America) to decry the wiping out of Christianity, the resurgence of worldwide anti-semitism too, issuing worldwide clarion calls? You guessed it… 

BUT it is always refreshing (even during the worst of times) to view a video which doesn’t stop short of apologizing for the indefensible. And it is even more telling, especially when a “seemingly” unsophisticated sort lays it on the line….linking the reasoning behind the Bastard-in-Chief’s full-on support for Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS linked “rebels” –  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=383545941818703&set=vb.240638706109428&type=2&theater

BEYOND a reasonable doubt, it is absolutely provable that the purposeful arming of avowed Islamic jihadists rises to the level of war crimes, albeit coined “rebels”.

NOW, most recognize that certain terms are bandied about with little basis in fact, whenever a political objective requires “legal” koshering…”war crimes”…yada, yada… 

NEVERTHELESS, countless actionable crimes – housed under the umbrella of Obama Inc’s foreign forays – can only lead to one conclusion: the ongoing decimation of Christianity is indeed a war crime.

ASSUREDLY, the purging of Christian and minority populations under international law, if anything, qualifies as such. Moreover, although in less obvious ways, there is an underlying incitement, a negative current, surging throughout America under his watch. Indeed, its results are veering dangerously close to the edge. Racial warfare and anti-Christian mischief are leading indicators for things to come. 

Our government is intent on shutting down a thriving, 40-year-old company; “Hobby Lobby” – because the owners are Christian and won’t provide abortion services or birth control which causes abortion.

Our Founding Father’s #1 prinicple for breaking away from King George was simple: Freedom of Religion. Freedom to worship as you please and for government to not come between you and your faith. They bled for it.

Obama Declares War 300Now, comes a King Wannabee – Barack Obama and he has Hobby Lobby in it’s sites. Pay-back for abortionists and gay rights, I suppose – why on earth would you shut down such a job producer?… why does a dog lick itself?

RESOLVED; Barack HUSSEIN Obama bears the onus and history will attest to the same!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

20 thoughts on “Obama’s “Rebels”, ISIS Aligned, Laying Waste To Mid East/N Africa’s Christian & Minority Communities…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

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