COUNTERING The Koran’s Barbarism:Taking Off The PC Gloves Re Islam! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

ANOTHER Islamic jihadist DISPLAYS his barbaric inspiration – the “(un)holy” Koran!

CONCOMITANTLY, why can’t its victims respond, one way or another, to the war-like inciting “book of books”? Isn’t said turnabout fair play, at the very least?

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

ONLY once in a very blue moon is it possible to shock at this end. After all, how many spend their days steeped in jihadi horrors and expose their hearts and souls to the most heinous acts imaginable? Not too many. It is what it is.

RESULTANT, weighing in on the positive side of the spectrum, it is this investigative journalist’s compendium of knowledge which attracts the attention of certain worldwide experts. On the flip side, Islamic barbarians are none too pleased at the negative exposure being rendered and they attempt to intimidate into silence. Well, let them keep trying, it won’t make a dent. Falling on deaf ears. Leftists…jihadists…are you listening?? Yes, some of the aforementioned are reading and keeping track of this and that….don’t ask how this is known…

BUT what was so shocking that it rendered the above notation? and how did this “once in a very blue moon” anomaly come to pass? Let’s answer the second question first, to better understand what’s what. In the main, wordpress, this blog’s platform, has some cool features. Quirks too. But when time permits, it’s important to review the section “Referrers”, for it offers up some interesting tidbits, as to which type of sites/forums are scanning these pages. And as a blog concentrating on Zionist and Conservative issues, countless patriotic American/western websites are “Referrers”, as well as Israeli ones too. In any case, lo and behold, a well-trafficked Israeli chat forum/breaking news site picked up this week’s commentary, and the Referrer link can be found here.  

WITHIN less than an hour, the above commentary was downloaded thousands of times from said Israeli site. Still, what was the shocking part? As much as one thinks they know about Islam’s underpinnings (and this investigative journalist knows more than most), the following was enough to give pause on this end. Heartburn. So listen up to the following clip and understand what the west (aside from all the barbarism you have become “accustomed” to) is dealing with – an EVIL scourge, Islam! And its basis is derived from the Koran and “legalized” under Shariah Law. It’s that simple. Hint: Muslim men can have sex with their dead wives!! An unspeakable violation.


BACK to countering Koranic-inspired barbarism….

IF the shoe was on the other foot, so to speak, and Jews or Christians were rampaging all over the world against all those who refuse to submit to their rule, leftist poohbahs would be railing to the heavens to ban these religions from their shores. In fact, they have been clamoring to said end for quite some time. Absolutely, creep by creep, leftists are imposing their will. Who hasn’t heard about the new femi-nazi (lesbian) Mayor from Houston, Texas, attempting to “rein in” Christian Pastors via their sermons, even as the she-devil supposedly backtracks? Hmm. Is she Houston’s new commie commissar? What’s next? You get where this is going…

BUT imagine what Islamists would do, if they felt threatened – let alone were killed – for refusing to submit to Judaism or Christianity? The point being, enough is enough! Enough with paying their extortion, their jizya, if you even manage to survive in the first place.

IN this regard, before it comes to this horrific situation on America’s/the west’s shores – by forcing righteous vigilantes, akin to those in Africa and the Mid East, to beat back their Islamic tormentors to the death – isn’t it best to “forward march” via preventative measures?
ALAS, what does all this amount to for Americans and westerners, currently living far from the epicenter (for now) of Islamic jihad in the Mid East and Africa? True, most westerners view jihad as a problem afflicting third world countries and none of their concern. In reality, Islamic jihad is closer to the west’s shores than most understand, if not stopped in its tracks.
YET other than venting some much needed steam, what can patriots really do to tip the scales? Actually, a host of remedies are in play, but an individual has to be willing to step out of their comfort zones.


CONSIDER, if you will, some action plans:

Action Plans:

FIRST off, take a page out of Saudia Arabia’s playbook and reassert Jewish and Christian values, denying any Islamic weapon on western shores. Indisputably, the Koran has proven to be deadly, as they wage jihad under its banner! So even if you are not formally religious, you have a right, an obligation, to hold onto western values. In other words, it makes no sense – if your lives are on the line – to behave “holier than thou”, just to prove that you are tolerant to the max. For if your tolerance costs you your life, what use is it? And since when is democracy a suicide pact against violently aggressive enemies who uphold the Koran?


EVERY neighborhood which houses mosques/cultural centers has Islamic bookstores. Seek and you shall find. Okay. Why not wage a community action plan and buy up as many Korans as possible? The choice is yours how you want to dispose of them. But the crux would be symbolic in nature. Basically, buying books is NOT illegal. However, burning them can run afoul of the PC authorities, even if Mein Kampf-like in content. Fine. But once accumulated, patriots can post messages in community papers/bulletin boards that they will no longer be held hostage to the Koran’s war-like dictates. Islamists will get the message, as will their leftist handlers. Yes, this will cause a stir but isn’t that the point, to finally take back what is RIGHTFULLY yours? 

IN tandem, there is nothing sacred about any institution – religiously-cloaked or otherwise – which preaches death and destruction. And since law enforcement is ordered to keep their hands in their pockets re Islam, due to high up instructions, so be it. That doesn’t mean that concerned patriots can’t form “citizen patrols”, does it? Hint: NYC Guardian Angels and their citizen crime patrols. Substitute garden variety “crime” with terror and you have a mirror image template. It can be done, if there is a will to do so.

INHERENTLY, whereas Saudi Arabia (and other Islamic countries) forbids Bibles, Churches, Synagogues etc and brings down the hammer on all who dare violate their dictates and no one bats an eye, why can’t patriots assert themselves likewise? Egregiously, while serving in the region, U.S. soldiers are forced to prostrate to Islam and the Pentagon encourages their submission…but let’s not digress. This is outright coercion and discrimination against Jews and Christians – who aren’t even threatening the lives of Muslims – so why can’t patriots reverse the playing field, and in their home turf no less?

AND, yes, it is duly acknowledged that their brutal tactics are more than intimidating. Nevertheless, those of us involved in this arena also know the following to be true: countless times we have been told – directly and indirectly – by Islamists that sowing fear, through terror, into the hearts of westerners is a lynch pin to their “success”. To the west’s submission. This goal – conquest through terror – underlies jihad.

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”

IN this regard, it is NO small matter that the literal translation of Islam is submission. Effectively, unless, and until, “the other” submits to the will of Allah there will be no let up.

Just like Hitler, ISIS executes 100's of Iraqi POW's and dumps their bodies in a ditch. It is no coincidence that Mein Kamph is the second most popular book after the Qur'an in the Islamic world.


NOW this investigative journalist can’t speak for the readers, but can do so for close – in the know – associates: there will be NO submission at our end. Thus, the question becomes: if you agree with the premises at hand, do you think you have the luxury to sit still and let matters take their “natural” course? Those who feel differently and disagree with all of the above, well, it’s your right. But they should not feign shock, shock when their “moderate” Muslim neighbors are calling the shots. The ubiquitous “no go” zones.

ASSUREDLY, within America (and other western nations) the knock-on effects of doing nothing has a STEEP price to pay. Yes, seeing is believing!

*Note: After this sharia village was exposed, the terror-linked IANT made the video private and deleted the page from the internet.

Thanks to all the readers who send links to us – the amount of information from informed citizens flowing in is increasing each week. This one from Texaswhere 200 imams will be taught how to implement sharia in the U.S. and where a sharia court already exists. (Note: In Maryland Muslims are building a Muslim village too)

via Islamic Association of North Texas – Islamic Village.

More than thirty years ago, the Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT) was established to serve the local Muslim community. Since then, our community has grown considerably, and so have our needs. As we inaugurate our next quarter-century in North Texas, we introduce a novel community idea: the Islamic Village Project, a Muslim neighborhood.”

Project Overview

The Islamic Village Project is a multi-million dollar project that will foster great change in the Muslim community of Dallas. It will house a senior center, Youth center, Social Services department, residential quarters, play area for the children, retail center, clinic, and a separate building for IQA and SuffaIslamic Seminary classes. The project will extend from the current Masjid facility at Abrams, on the North and South side of Spring Valley across from themasjid, and West towards Greenville.

Educational Complex

One of the cornerstones of the Islamic Village will be it Educational Complex housing our IANT QuranicAcademy and Suffa Islamic Seminary under the leadership of Imam Yusuf Ziya Kavakci. In addition, the Educational Complex is expected to have a Youth Center, Day Care Facilities, and playground areas for children of all ages.

Where is IANT?

IANT is located at 840 Abrams Rd. Richardson, TX 75081

Click herefor directions.

For the uninformed, Richardson, Texas is a Hamas hotspot. See our previous mentions of Richardson here – home to the Muslim charity convicted in the largest ever terror financing case in U.S. history. The group above IANT, also met with the FBI:

Pay attention to the Islamization in your neighborhood and state and send us links at our Contact page.


IANT is also known as the Dallas Central Mosque (DCM). The  DCM has beendescribed in a 1999 article in a Counterterrorism Journal as:

… considered to be one of the most active centers of Hamas activity in the United States and hosts the leadership and members of both the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Both organizations are the primary conduits for Hamas activity and fundraising in the United States. (See Note 2)

Note 2: The Journal of Counterterrorism & Security International 1999 Fall “The Kavakci Affair: Headscarves, Religious Rights, and Terrorist Front Groups”

Kavakci is the current imam at IANT as shown on their web page.

A reader also informed us that:

Nabil Elibiary is the Director of Islamic Association of North Texas, Incorporated

Nabil’s past corporate interests include the Member of The Islamic Association of Carrollton, Inc.

If the name Elibiary sounds familiar it might be because it is also the name of an infamous Muslim from the Richardson, Texas area who is now a member of the Department of Homeland Security – despite having illegally accessed (i.e., stolen) data from a classified database. That Elibiary recently claimed:

It appears that the director of IANT, the group building a Muslim neighborhood, is the father of the DHS advisor!

My oldest son Mohamed Elibiary became politically active, and started a political empowerment organization, for Muslims and non-Muslims “The Freedom and Justice Foundation (F&J)”

The Freedom and Justice party is also the name of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Is the picture getting clearer?

Update 2: Islamist Village Slated for Texas, Revenue Goals at $1 Million/Yr.

MOST significantly, as reported on several occasions, Islamic jihadi compounds are all over America, and many haven’t a clue who their neighbors are. Unfathomable. Do you think they are preparing welcome mats, wine and roses for their non-Muslim neighbors, at the time of their choosing?

AGREED, Europe is toast. It is Eurabia and that is that. America will not be far behind, if left as is. Know this: wherever they gain a foothold their goal is to dominate. To subdue. It’s your call.

THOSE who submit themselves – slowly but surely – like sheep to the slaughter will not be saved. Will history repeat, once they feel the ground is ripe for conquest? You bet.

AT the end of it all, as we say in Hebrew, sach ha’kol, whatever affronts one accepts one actually deserves. A harsh statement, but no less true. We all have a part to play. Besides, if westerners tolerate being treated akin to second class individuals – once they impose Shariah Law as the law of the land – it will not stop there. Cannon fodder. So why shouldn’t Islamists keep imposing their Koranic-derived mandates, if unimpeded? Indeed.

STIPULATED, few are delusional enough to believe that followers of Islam will tame themselves  any time soon! Therefore, it behooves westerners, infidels and apostates too, to devise plans of their own.

IF not now, when? Yes, this is the third clause from Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14. Take Hillel’s (a Jewish sage) words to heart; one of the wisest men who ever lived.





11 thoughts on “COUNTERING The Koran’s Barbarism:Taking Off The PC Gloves Re Islam! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: COUNTERING The Koran’s Barbarism:Taking Off The PC Gloves Re Islam! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Islam Exposed Online

  2. Adina, I have read much about the Red/Green alliance between the Left and Islam to transform America, and although both want to transform this nation the Left strives to create a Leninist totalitarian godless state whereas Muslim cultural jihadi endeavor to bring about a theocracy under Sharia Law. The goals of this axis of evil appear blatantly incompatible to me and at some point should bring these two allies into direct conflict. Lenin knew to secure absolute rule of the state he had to kill God because one can not owe allegiance to God and a state that seeks to control your very soul. A Leninist therefore can no more tolerate Allah than God, and conversely Sharia respects no state or government and demands absolute control of the individual. At some point will the Left and the jihadi turn upon each other and the winner takes America? The Left are fools if they believe they can control and employ Islam as a tool and then discard it–once those rabid fanatics gain enough power to transform America there will be no stopping them. To me the Left attempting to use Islam to conquer America is akin to a fool riding the back of a rabid tiger hoping to be tame it and break it to do his biding. However, the jihadi using the Left with the intend to slaughter them when convenient fits perfectly into the course of cultural jihad. Either I am missing something or the Leninists are going to end up being the jihadi’s useful idiots. I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this topic. Thank you for your work and your courage. I have been urged to stop my efforts to point out the clear and present danger of Islam to America and I refuse to be quiet. I will not yield.

  3. Just two weeks ago I was writing to Prime minister of Canada and Public Safety Minister to organize Canadians to face “Islam” based indoctrination and Koran. I have demanded to be able to have conceal carry firearms license to counter or prevent terrorist acts in progress next to my physical being there. Police are minutes away, I am seconds away and if IS (Islamic state) is losing ground in Iraq or Syria the will increase terror in Canada, US or Europe.
    Leftist propaganda, blind politicians do not want to acnowledge it is a WAR!

    • The Islamic new year starts tomorrow. Some were worried terrorists would time attacks in Western nations to coincide with this date, Oct. 23, 2014. IS declared they would fly their flag over the White House–perhaps now more people will take that threat seriously instead of dismissing it as a “jv league” idle threat. Thank you for your service Commander and your attempt to make the powers that be see the facts.

  4. Pingback: A Patriotic Warning To Islamic/Anti-Americans In The U.S. :”Stand Down” – Or Else…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  5. Pingback: Australia’s Cafe Jihadist:Known To CIA & Obama Too.Apologists Galore…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  6. Unless these Sand Monkey Towels Heads are put in their place, which is somewhere and many milliniums before the 7th Century AD in sand holes of Arabia, they just will not stop until they destroy all civilisation from planet earth.

    It is unfortunate that those who advocate tolerance, peace, & co-existance with these goat lovers, do not realize that they will be the first target of these rag-head muzzies if they establish & impose their backward 7th century Sharia’ law in America.

  7. Pingback: Islam’s Parasitic Face: Turning On Their Hosts & Advancing Via “Probings” In America & Europe, A Double-Edged Sword! What’s The Upshot? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

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