Missionaries in Jerusalem…By Adina Kutnicki, Published at Israel National News

Israel National News, July 5, 2023

The focus of missionary activity in Israel, although forbidden by law, is Jerusalem. Op-ed.

The urgent question becomes: How can this be, most especially, under the enshrined criminal code against Messianic (Islamic, too) soul-snatching?

Not only that, in reference to the opening Solomonic proverb, as well as to the “we will get to that” messaging, consider the following as prima facie evidence of what transpires when the authorities turn deaf, dumb, and blind to this ‘crime of all crimes’, penal codes, be damned.

Back in 2014, when recruited to investigate the scourge of pedophilia plaguing Jerusalem (and surrounding communities…exposed and analyzed in devastating detail within, “The silent threat to haredi children’s safety in Israel” and related pieces), what was supposed to last a few months in duration morphed into a six-year long investigation! Betwixt and between, there were successes and failures. Highs and lows. But it was within this pendulum of wreckage that an additional layer of criminality emerged and was unveiled.

As excerpted within, “Israel’s Missionary Problem: Its Nexus to Pedophilia“:

Much to this writer’s shock and horror, it was after many months of ‘hunting and digging’ that a main nexus emerged within the developed information and the intelligence gleaned: The (once) hidden crime of pedophilia in Israel is immeasurably and inextricably linked to Missionary activities – most tellingly, within Jerusalem!


Apart from a barely spoken about Missionary crisis within Israelthere are deeply hidden secrets within several ‘schools’, and they are plagued with sexual abuse…those who ran the program are themselves ‘former’ Missionaries, supposedly, living as Jews in Israel. A straight-line nexus.

More specifically, the female head of the (now defunct) ‘conversion’ program is a so-called ‘convert’ to Judaism and a ‘former’ Missionary from Mississippi…

When will this madness end? This discomfiting, sickening feeling is not so much directed against the Missionaries – for they view themselves as “soldiers for Jesus” and will never stop, that is, unless thrown out of the country with the gates permanently shut for re-entry after a lengthy stint in a padded cell. It is aimed towards a monstrous failure of leadership in the political-security arenas, whereby, both sides have a sworn duty to safeguard and preserve Jewish existence in our Homeland.

On the one hand, Islamic jihadis send their “love notes” via explosions – here, there, and everywhere in between. Not hard to miss. But just as incendiary are the stealthy spiritual bombs targeting Jews for their souls; a no less deadly weapon. For once the Jewish soul is extinguished, more than likely, it is lost forever, and stuck in the darkness for eternity.

To reiterate, as many times as it takes: What are our leaders going to do, if anything, about the many thousands of Missionaries who operate with impunity and out in the open, in legal parlance, in plain view – thus, giving the authorities no credence, daring them to execute their legal and moral duties!?

No time to lose.

Adina Kutnickiis an investigative journalist, living in Israel since 2008. Her work concentrates on militant Islamic jihad and its western knock-on effects as well as uncovering missionary efforts and pedophilia in Israel. She is the co-author of BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad, She blogs at: Adina Kutnicki, A Zionist & Conservative Blog (www.adinakutnicki.com).

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