TLAIB WINS MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY, DECLARES JIHAD SQUAD ‘Here To Stay, And It’s Only Getting Bigger’ + Omar Triumphs – BOTH Walk Away From Criminal Investigations – Videos


{Published at America’}


Even if one is clueless about a plethora of Rep. Tlaib’s anti-American treachery — apart from the wishy-washy campaign finance “investigation”   —  the below investigative reports should have precluded her from remaining in Congress, let alone winning another primary! Sheesh, if justice had any real meaning left, she should be in jail!

Back to the aforementioned investigative reports….

Indeed, the same indictment is justified against her treasonous “JIHAD SQUAD” member, that is, fellow Muslima Rep. Omar. Alas, she, too, won her recent primary! The core two-tier question is: What’s going on here? and wherein lies the pattern and double standard? Basically, yes, it pays to be anti-American — naturally, when running in leftist circles and on the Demster ticket!

NEWSFLASH:’Case closed’: New Evidence Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother = DHS INSIDER SPILLS BEANS ON ILHAN OMAR CRIMINAL CHARGES FOR MARRYING BROTHER – Evidence of Deeper Obama-era Corruption of Government’ – TEFLON TREATMENT OF MUSLIMAS EXPOSED (VIDEOS)

Not only that, Omar has a record — a rap sheet!

Uncovered Report Shows Ilhan Omar Was Allegedly Arrested In Minneapolis In 2013 For….

 Uncovered Report Shows Ilhan Omar Was Allegedly Arrested In Minneapolis In 2013 For….


Incontestably, these are NOT normal times — and, tragically, the “JIHAD SQUAD” has every reason to crow and whoop it up because they are winning!!

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GELLER/REPORT | August 5, 2020

‘If I was considered the most vulnerable member of the Squad, I think it’s safe to say the Squad is here to stay, and it’s only getting bigger’

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News August 5, 2018:

Rep. Rashida Tlaib declared victory Wednesday morning in her primary election in Detroit and proclaimed her win shows the progressive Squad is coming back to Congress stronger and bigger.

Tlaib, one of four members of the freshman Squad, beat Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones in the 13th District primary, The Associated Press called Wednesday morning.

“Let it be known that in the 13th District, just like in communities across our country, we are done with establishment politics that put corporations first,” Tlaib said in a victory statement. “If I was considered the most vulnerable member of the Squad, I think it’s safe to say the Squad is here to stay, and it’s only getting bigger.”

Tlaib said her win was an endorsement for progressive policies, such as “Medicare-for-All” and a Green New Deal.

“Voters sent a clear message that they’re done waiting for transformative change, that they want an unapologetic fighter who will take on the status quo and win,” she added. “We have a resounding mandate to put people before profits.”

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Onto the “guilty” verdict….barely a rap on the knuckles — as Tlaib laughs her way to victory and thumbs her nose at the American people, to boot! Ditto Omar.

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THE/FEDERALIST/PAPERS | By Carmine Sabia | August 7, 2020

Minnesota Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a member of the much ballyhooed “Squad” led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been found guilty of misusing campaign funds.

On Friday the Democrat controlled US House Ethics Committee found that Tlaib violated federal law by using campaign funds for personal purposes, The Daily Mail reported.

But the committee did not admonish the first term lawmaker and ‘squad’ member, noting that it is within existing rules for a candidate to draw a salary from their campaign under certain conditions.

It found a ‘portion’ of the salary she took after her 2018 election win were ‘inconsistent’ with the requirements of federal elections law.  But it said her errors were of ‘bad timing and not ill intent,’ and that she had made ‘good faith’ efforts to comply with the law’s requirements.

An appendix included with the finding shows Tlaib’s correspondence with her staff as well as a lawyer to determine the propriety of taking a salary, amid apparently urgent needs after she left her job with a public interest law firm to campaign full-time.

“While the Committee recognizes that the campaign environment can at times lend itself to hurried decision-making, as a Member-Elect of Congress, Representative Tlaib had a greater duty to ensure that any funding she received from her Campaign after her general election was fully compliant with statutory requirements and fully transparent with the public,” the Committee said in its report.

“In light of this, the Committee determined that no sanction was merited, provided Representative Tlaib returns the funds that she improperly received to her Campaign in full within a year of the date of this Report, with the understanding that she can make smaller payments over the course of the year,” it said.

The committee said that it “unanimously voted to adopt this Report and take no further action,” against her.

And after Tlaib’s “satisfactory completion of the above steps, the Committee will consider this matter closed.”

One of the steps that she has to complete is to repay the $10,800 that she is accused of misusing for her personal needs.

The Minnesota representative was having a good week prior to this ruling after she handily defeated her primary challenger Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones.

Her spokesman, Denzel McCampbell, said that the issue has been resolved and that Rep. Tlaib had “made a good faith effort to comply with a complex regulation and no sanction or penalty is merited.”

“Rep. Tlaib hopes the Federal Election Commission will issue updated guidance and clarify a well-intended rule that gives candidates like (her) the opportunity to seek federal office,” the spokesman said.

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Still yet, despite all of the crimes they committed — which would land “lesser mortals” in prison for decades on end, not so with the Muslimas, Teflon Don-like!

In fact, they have only gone from strength to strength with the helping hands of high-level Marxists/communists/socialists within America and the Middle East — elected and non-elected. This is atop the full throttle support of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia — both inside and outside the nation’s borders!

{Re-blogged at ConservativeFiringLine}

{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:

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    And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.

3 thoughts on “TLAIB WINS MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY, DECLARES JIHAD SQUAD ‘Here To Stay, And It’s Only Getting Bigger’ + Omar Triumphs – BOTH Walk Away From Criminal Investigations – Videos

  1. Pingback: TLAIB WINS MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY, DECLARES JIHAD SQUAD ‘Here To Stay, And It’s Only Getting Bigger’ + Omar Triumphs – BOTH Walk Away From Criminal Investigations – Video | Boudica BPI Weblog

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