Islam’s American Spear; Sharia Law – Its Inroads & Eventual Triumph, If NOT Halted. Listen Up!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

COUNTLESS non-Muslim Americans are convinced that Islam – while not exactly “peaceful”, as its apologists opine – is hardly a threat to the superpower of the world. In a nutshell, they are deadly wrong, spectacularly so. 

IN fact, said folks are akin to fantasists, those who never thought that Mohammedans – a mainly backward people – would ever be able to attack the homeland – never mind, to bring down its financial epicenter, the Twin Towers!

IN other words, just because Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are steeped in a 7th century religio-cultural realm, it doesn’t mean that they are incapable of incalculable wreckage! To the contrary. It is this mindset which “inspires” them to follow  the teachings of “prophet” Muhammad, a madman. Even more so, their ability to use WMD’s on U.S. soil is a lot closer than most realize. 

THAT being established, it is not as if truckloads of evidentiary material from this site alone – as well as at various counter-Jihad venues – fail to attest to Islam’s American spear, Sharia Law. So much so, in May 2014, a centerpiece within these pages leaped across the internet like a house on fire. No kidding. Entitled, “Sharia Law Must Be Eliminated To Save America & The West: Its Cancerous Scourge“, its basis is unimpeachable.

Let’s be clear from the get go: Agreed, Islam has been around for centuries and it is nauseatingly deemed one of the three “great” religions, regardless of its barbarity. Get over it. In any event, it is time to cease pandering to its “hallowed” status and to commence telling the truth, otherwise the west will be destroyed. Simple as that.

In reality, it has never stopped its war-like thrust. On the other hand, its catapult has never been more obvious. Ensured. Additionally, don’t become (mentally) entrapped into believing that to “wage war” against Islam is akin to any form of bias against individual Muslims. It is not.

Assuredly, the west’s struggle is against a totalitarian political ideology. Hence, it must be re-focused against a politically fascist and religious cloaked doctrine which has, from time immemorial, targeted western infidels, many of whom are also apostates from Islam. Essentially, “pure” Islam dictates who lives and who dies. Period.

In fact, Winston Churchill presciently noted the following observations, and his predictive words are as true today as they were when he uttered them.They are absolutely historically accurate. Irrefutable.

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the
Prophet rule or live.  A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.  The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.  No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world.  Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant
and proselytizing faith.  It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising 
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled,
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

And if its immutable relationship with blood is not enough of a precipitate, predictive, and proximate danger, what else qualifies?

With the above firmly implanted in mind, how can westerners disregard the inherent dangers from Islam, even as their leaders babble otherwise?

Indeed, there is Only One Way To Prevent Shariah From Destroying America and other non-Islamic Countries……continue the truth-telling here….

BUT despite all the inherently obvious and absolute dangers, U.S. leaders (never mind others) aid Islam’s barbarians – all their protestations to the contrary.

AS a matter of record, even though Trump triumphed, he has yet to declare the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia a domestic terror organization, per pending Congressional Bill S.68! Why is that? And, what are the knock-on effects? Rhetorical.

NOT only that, on the foreign front, how many ways, how many times, will it take to prove that U.S. leaders aided and abetted ISIS, as well as Iran’s Hitlerite regime through a House of Bribes? And while the aforementioned ISIS trail was revealed at these pages in Feb. 2015, fast forward to May 2017 to a report by Amnesty International for back up of the very same charges! Well, whaddayaknow…..

THEREFORE, in light of the facts at hand, why shouldn’t Mohammedans feel empowered….triumphant….in-your-face….and what not??

Radical imams from Virginia, Maryland and Texas recently attended a fund-raising event organized by an Islamist charity in which they were treated to a smorgasbord of teachings from foreign-based Islamic thinkers.

The prime delicacy was offered up by keynote speaker Habib-ur-Rehman Ludhianvi, a visiting Islamic cleric from Pakistan.

Ludhiavi believes America is a “land of infidels,” whom he described as “ignorant.” His comments are a ringing example of what Muslim leaders say when they are behind closed doors and in the company of other Muslims, as opposed to the public comments meant for gullible infidel ears, security experts tell WND.

The only reason the public knows what was said inside the Nov. 18 conference at a Holiday Inn in Springfield, Virginia, is because the gathering was infiltrated by Ehsan Rehan, the brave Pakistani-born journalist and editor of Rabwah Times who went undercover and captured video and audio.

The keynote speaker, Ludhianavi, is leader of the Islamic seminary Dar-ul-Uloom, which is based in Pakistan but operates branches in the United States, Canada and the U.K., including one in St. Paul, Minnesota, that opened in a former Catholic church in 2014. There’s another in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and others in Warren, Michigan, and San Bernardino, California.

On 12 Mile Road in Warren, the Darul Uloom Islamic Center and School is one of many Dar ul-Uloom madrassas that former Homeland Security officer and whistleblower Philip Haney has tracked and described as radical. Haney said San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farooq attended a Dar ul-Uloom mosque in that city and exchanged repeated text messages with the mosque’s imam in the months leading up to his attack on an office C

The Dar ul-Uloom mosque in San Bernardino is a haven for activists involved with Tablighi Jamaat – a fundamentalist, proselytizing Islamic sect known in some circles as the “Army of Darkness.”

“Dar ul-Uloom are the evangelists of the Islamic world,” Haney told WND. “They emphasize children memorizing the Quran.”

According to its website, “Darul Uloom Michigan has been sincerely serving the Muslim community since its inception, and by the grace of Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala), it is now a notable Islamic seminary with students of all ages from across North America.”

At the Virginia conference, Ludhianvi advised a sort of carrot and stick approach to conquering American minds for Islam, starting with heretical Muslims who don’t believe in jihad. He said:

They are ignorant and there is no need for dialogue with them, God has given them two options, one is the holy book and one is the stick and if one does not accept the holy book they have to be forced.

The imam’s use of the word “stick” should not be overlooked.

On the same day Ludhianavi was speaking at the conference in Virginia, another U.S. Muslim leader, Jaylani Hussein, was speaking at a symposium in St. Cloud, Minnesota, where he told a group gathered at the public library:

I understand that our organization [CAIR] comes under threat. I know why we come under attack. It’s not because of our silence. It’s because we carry a big stick.

It’s no coincidence that Muslim leaders are talking about using the “stick” to whip American infidels into shape, says Rehman, the journalist who went undercover at the day-long event in Springfield, Virginia.

“The word ‘stick’ in Urdu is a common term used in south Asia to reference the use of force,” Rehan told WND in an email.

Rehan said he went undercover into Islamist meetings in his native Pakistan before he was forced to flee the country.

“Due to threats from these organizations I had to flee the country twice, once in 2009 and then the last time in 2012,” Rehan said. He now works out of Washington, D.C.

Even other Muslims who eschew jihad are under threat from mainstream Sunni Islam in America.

Among the “infidels” named at the Springfield conference was the moderate Shia sect of Ahmadiyya, who believe in a prophet who came after Muhammad and are therefore considered heretical by the majority of mainstream Muslims.

Here is one of the tweets from journalist Rehan that includes video from the conference….continue reading the real truth, as to what is being said behind closed (American-Islamic) doors!

INDEED, why shouldn’t they feel emboldened…..

ALAS, if all the proofs brought to bear are still not smokin’ hot, that’s okay. Just listen to the latest warnings from one who has lived to tell the tales, an apostate – and there are countless others cited at this site and elsewhere!


AS to other insights into incipient, imminent dangers from Islam’s thrust, let’s jump to American tv; yes, the so-called boob tube! It can, at times, be a useful teaching tool. Introducing, Forensic Files, on the HLN network, a show re how science helps solve crimes. In “Honor Thy Father,” a 2004 episode now being rebroadcast, the show opens a window on crime, Islam, and terrorism alike…..

BUT if one danger stands above the rest, the following must be dealt with – and with all due and deliberate urgency: How will America withstand Islam’s conquest, since it is officialdom which empowers it domestically, as well as on foreign (mostly, Middle Eastern and African) soil?

Image result for pics of linda sarsour with obama

IN concert, the lap-dog media hoists the flag of Islam, Sharia, atop America’s. Incontestably, there is no greater evidence of this than in their fawning treatment of the Brotherhood Mafia’s chick from the (Brooklyn) ‘hood, Linda Sarsour, a so-called Palestinian-American! 

A new report claims that an anti-Trump leftist – Linda Sarsour, who once called for “jihad” against the president, and has pushed for Sharia law in the United States – will be Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year.”

Jack Engelhard, who is familiar with Time’s editors, claims in an article for Israel National News that Sarsour is the frontrunner for the coveted spot, describing her as Time’s “most likely pick to represent 2017.”

Engelhard warned that, if the editors choose Sarsour, the magazine “will ascribe to her, this so-called Palestinian American, all the glories of the women’s movement, whatever that is anymore. But they do march for ‘equality,’ of the sort we find in certain Islamic countries where all women are equally put to death for disobedience.”

Engelhard, who also slammed Sarsour for being anti-Semitic, claimed that Time’s likely pick was part of a concentrated effort among those in the mainstream media who want to see “America re-cast in the image of Linda Sarsour.”

Sarsour famously co-founded the “Women’s March” that protested President Trump the day after his inauguration. Since her early success, she’s continued to court controversy by calling for “jihad” against Trump and for her ties to the terrorist group Hamas.

The Time “Person of the Year” award attracted attention last week after President Donald Trump claimed he turned down the honor for 2017. Time hit back, declaring that they never reached out to the president. Trump had been selected “Person of the Year” last year, shortly after his victorious presidential campaign.

CONSEQUENTIALLY, since it has been proven that America’s top leaders (and their surrogates, official and non-official alike) are in the Islamic bag, so to speak, the very fact that the MSM complex revere proponents of Sharia Law, Islam’s underpinning, the only logical and rational conclusion that can be drawn is: If not confronted, post-haste, Islam’s American spear will be triumphant! Take it to the (Sharia-compliant) bank.

Image result for pics of sharia law

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3 thoughts on “Islam’s American Spear; Sharia Law – Its Inroads & Eventual Triumph, If NOT Halted. Listen Up!! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Sharia’s Insidious – Stealth-Like – Encroachment Across America: Hijabs At The Forefront! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki | Adina Kutnicki

  2. Pingback: American imam threatens: All Jews will be killed by Muslims ….Where have we heard this before!? | Adina Kutnicki

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