The “Progressive”/Regressive Mask Is Slipping…Fascism Rears To The Fore…Yeah ! Chick Fil A…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

In light of all the financial woes besetting average Americans, and with Islamists creeping closer to US power centers, one would think that “progressive” mouth pieces would have their plates full. And let us dare not forget their (purposeful) stirring of the racial pot.

Wherever do they find time for all this mischief-making ? Well, apparently it’s their full time mission – sort of their messianic calling. Paradoxically, they detest organized religion, unless it belongs to the throat slitters and head choppers. What a conundrum. So, do we classify them as masochists, sadists or just plain pyromaniacs?

Will get back to you on the diagnosis.

Either way, they have become embroiled in a national chicken controversy, penning themselves into an (intolerant) corner like the chicken-sh-ts they are.

Have we landed in Orwell’s universe, whereby ‘eating here or there’ has become a “progressive/liberal/tolerant” rallying cry? Yup.

Their new litmus test – for “tolerance”, of course – is none other than Chick-fil-A. If the “progressive” degenerates were not deadly serious in their quest, the notion of attacking a chicken business would be laughable. After all, is the restaurant chain guilty of a capital crime, in light of massive calls – from their shock troops – to boycott the chain? In a pig’s eye.

But, they are “guilty” of a cardinal sin, at least in the recesses of the dark souls of “progressive” fascists. Basically, the chain’s owners refuse to cow tow to their radical edicts – accept the re-definition of  “marriage”, or we will destroy your business. This brings the Orwellian defined usage of ‘tolerance’ to a level unseen previously, and straight into the stratosphere.

Say what? Are the purveyors of “tolerance” behaving like totalitarian dictators, forcing a family business to toe their radical line? Looks like it. Well, most conservative types don’t like being threatened, particularly in middle America. You know, the “bitter clinger” sort of folks.

On the other hand, there are some squeamish conservatives who hate to stand up and fight. They would rather most unpleasantness blow right over their heads, thereby, standing down in the process.

Uh  uh…no way. Not nice at all. They would do well to get with the conservative program, and stop being chicken – no pun intended!

In ‘We Should Have Kept Our Heads Down Rather Than Support Chick-fil-A’ some self described conservatives have brought cowardice to a new level, tarring the rest of us in the process. Read for yourselves –

“Over the past day, I’ve seen more than a few discussions amongst Christians that we should not have done the Chick-fil-A event on Wednesday. After they ignore, reject, or exclude the free speech element of the event — which I will copy in order to counter their arguments — they have two lines of reasoning. First, this is Dan Cathy’s personal problem and therefore not “a hill to die on.” Second, the left feels like we hate them, and we are wrong to do anything that makes them feel that way. Whether we actually hate them is not the salient point. Both seem to think along the lines of one commentator, that this is a time to “keep our heads down” and practice our faith quietly.”

“Keep our heads down. I don’t recall such instructions anywhere in the Bible. I recall that we are to loudly proclaim our faith, that we are to offer succor to fellow Christians persecuted for our faith, and that we are to bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. As if my resolve to never keep my head down needed a boost, I received the “heads down” comment in my inbox as I walked out of my second viewing of The Dark Knight Rises, which is not exactly a modern morality tale about the “virtue” of keeping one’s head down.”

“A prominent Christan has been ridiculed and his company banned from certain public venues because of his Christian values. He needs our support, and we are called to give it. The left may feel hatred from our actions, but whether we actually hate is the paramount question. We are judged both by God and by criminal courts of law on our actual intent, not by someone’s perception of our intent. Furthermore, is this not all backward?”

“They ridicule usthreaten usheckle us. On Wednesday, they sent us many wishes that we would choke and die on our chicken sandwiches. What about the hate that we feel from those actions? Are we supposed to keep our heads down in the face of actual hatred because others feel hatred when we defend ourselves? What actions would society allow of Christians under these circumstances?”

“I’ve seen keep-our-heads-down suggestions that we should merely buy chicken without fanfare and give it to charity. That wouldn’t offend anyone, correct? Actually, it was just such a donation that put Chick-fil-A in the culture crosshairs. From Michelle Malkin back in February 2011:

Over the past month, several progressive activist blogs have waged an ugly war against Chick-Fil-A. The company’s alleged atrocity: One of its independent outlets in Pennsylvania donated some sandwiches and brownies to a marriage seminar run by the Pennsylvania Family Institute, which happens to oppose same-sex marriage.

“Finally, we should be given credit for the nature of our protests, which typically support or champion an idea. But it doesn’t appear that society even notices the divide between the nature and goals of various protests.” The rest of the link is here  –

The above brings “turning the other cheek” to a new level. Thankfully, the writer takes the chicken little’s to task. Job well done.

On the other side of the conservative spectrum are people after my own heart, whether Christian or Jewish.

‘Liberal Tyranny & The Cluck Heard ‘Round The World’ makes mincemeat out of those who think they can terrorize traditional, family values people into submission. They will never cease trying, but they won’t succeed. And, here’s why –

“Writer Sinclair Lewis is credited with saying, “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”

“Close, but not quite. Truth is, fascism has come to America; but it’s wrapped in a rainbow flag and waving, well, let’s just say it sure ain’t waving a cross. With its latest wave of scorched-earth malfeasance, the radical left has awakened freedom-loving America to this reality.”

“Liberals learned a hard lesson on Wednesday. While the generally silent majority was showing exuberant support for free speech, the institution of true marriage and Chick-fil-A, “progressives” were gorging themselves on crow sandwiches doused in bitter hate. While Chick-fil-A was eating at liberals, millions of God-fearing Americans were eating at Chick-fil-A.”

“It was glorious. Those who would silence free speech were shouted down through an unprecedented – dare I say miraculous – show of unity in the body of Christ. Millions of God-fearing Americans took part in the “buy-cott” as Chick-fil-A’s cup runneth over.”

“It was a beautiful thing to behold. It made you proud to be an American. Most of the characteristically cocky “progressive” blogs and “news” sites observed radio silence as left-wing elitists – media, activists, politicos and pundits – sat in stunned disbelief.”

“Their wrongheaded Chick-fil-A boycott had backfired catastrophically.Quite troubling, however, was when this predictable “progressive” hissy left the realm of comedy and breached the realm of tyranny. Multiple elected officials – all Democrats – disgraced both themselves and the offices they hold by pledging to shut Chick-fil-A down, simply because they disagree with its leadership’s biblical viewpoint.”

“But the American people stood strong. In response to illegal threats by the mayors of Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and Philadelphia to ban Chick-fil-A from their respective jurisdictions, the residents of those great cities rebuked these Constitution-dumping donkeys with “freedom chicken” lines that wrapped-around city blocks. “Mayor Emanuel,” they declared, “your godless values are not ‘Chicago Values!’”

Most significantly, a cadre of well funded fascists, dressed up as “progressives” aka liberals, are determined, very dangerous, and seek to turn western concepts of true tolerance and liberty upside its head. They will stop at nothing.

The battle lines have been drawn. A pox on their (il)liberal forces.

Liberty vs tyranny.

12 thoughts on “The “Progressive”/Regressive Mask Is Slipping…Fascism Rears To The Fore…Yeah ! Chick Fil A…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: The Thug-in-Chief…Hell-Bent On Disarming Christian Patriots…Ordered His Racialist AG To Turn Up The Heat…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Brave New World’…Second Amendment…Pro-Life Supporters Bear Watchi

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  8. Pingback: The Thug-in-Chief…Hell-Bent On Disarming Christian Patriots…Ordered His Racialist AG To Turn Up The Heat…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Brave New World’…Second Amendment…Pro-Life Supporters Bear Watchi

  9. Pingback: The Thug-in-Chief…Hell-Bent On Disarming Christian Patriots…Ordered His Racialist AG To Turn Up The Heat…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Brave New World’…Second Amendment…Pro-Life Supporters Bear Watchi

  10. Pingback: The Thug-in-Chief…Hell-Bent On Disarming Christian Patriots…Ordered His Racialist AG To Turn Up The Heat…Addendum To: Barack Hussein Obama’s ‘Brave New World’…Second Amendment…Pro-Life Supporters Bear Watchi

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