Islam, A Pox On America’s (West’s) House…Burning It Down. Where Are The Fire Marshals?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


READERS, fellow “infidels”, if a roving gang of pyromaniacs entered your communities, what would your reaction(s) be? Would you do everything – emphasis placed – to thwart them from burning down your homes, businesses, places of worship etc, or would you hand them welcome mats with snacks, drinks and books of matches too? These are not facetious questions. Deadly serious.

TRAGICALLY, western leaders (HUSSEIN Obama leads the pack) have extended more than average welcome mats, and this should be obvious to everyone with functioning brain cells. However, those who refuse to be hoodwinked are deemed “racists” (never mind that Islam is not a race…sheesh) and tarred “Islamophobes”, even though this is a made up out-of-whole cloth “phobia.” No matter.

STILL, before we cite additional and irrefutable reasons why Islam is a pox on America’s (the west’s) house, think back to a previous (May 2014) commentary:

Let’s be clear from the get go: agreed, Islam has been around for centuries and it is nauseatingly deemed one of the three “great” religions, regardless of its barbarity. Get over it. In any event, it is time to cease pandering to its “hallowed” status and to commence telling the truth, otherwise the west will be destroyed. Simple as that.

In reality, it has never stopped its war-like thrust. On the other hand, its catapult has never been more obvious. Ensured. Additionally, don’t become (mentally) entrapped into believing that to “wage war” against Islam is akin to any form of bias against individual Muslims. It is not.

Assuredly, the west’s struggle is against a totalitarian political ideology. Hence, it must be re-focused against a politically fascist and religious cloaked doctrine which has, from time immemorial, targeted western infidels, many of whom are also apostates from Islam. Essentially, “pure” Islam dictates who lives and who dies. Period.

In fact, Winston Churchill presciently noted the following observations and his predictive words are as true today as they were when he uttered them.They are absolutely historically accurate. Beyond dispute.

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.  A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.  The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. …continue reading…. 

NOW, regardless of where Muslims find themselves, one overarching goal is ever present: they are mandated to impose their beliefs on others and that is that. It is NO accident that Islam literally means submission

IN this regard, pay heed to what Muslim “refugees” are doing to non-Muslim refugees, those who are truly fleeing from the boot of Islam! Credo quia absurdum.

The same Syrian Muslims whom Obama is importing to transform towns and cities across America.

A Pakistani Christian, who has fled to the Netherlands, has made a video of life in a refugee center and uploaded it to YouTube. The video has received national attention in the Netherlands because the refugee says he’s regularly bullied and threatened by other refugees, most of whom are Muslim.

He explains:

I am a refugee and live in the refugee center at Gilze en Rijen. There are a lot of Syrian Muslims here who fled the war in their own country. These Muslims have made life impossible for us [red.: for Christian refugees]. I fled from my own country because I thought I’d be safe and welcome here. But I still have to hide here. I contacted the government agency that deals with refugees, but they refuse to intervene. I’ve arrived at a point at which I don’t know what to do.

ChristianUnion MP Joël Voordewind commented after watching the video that this isn’t the first time Christian refugees have complained about Muslim refugees. It happens very often, he says, that radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs. At the same time, however, they appeal to the Dutch government to get residence permits, saying they aren’t safe in their own countries because of… wait for it: radical Islamic violence.

Although part of the video is in Dutch, the individual fragments are not. The video starts with a short introduction, after which refugee N. Bashir shares scenes he secretly shot when people didn’t know he was filming. In one such scene, the Islamic call for prayer is heard, after which Muslim refugees take over the kitchen to pray. Non-Muslims aren’t allowed to enter the kitchen during prayer times; they have to wait until the Muslims are done with their ritual prayer.

In another scene, one of Bashir’s roommates is seen praying. The man is Muslim, while Bashir and the other roommate are Christian. When Bashir prays (which he does five times a day), the Muslim roommate forces the others to be quiet. If they make a sound, he gets angry with them and starts shouting. As a result, the two Christians don’t dare say or do anything until the other “refugee” is done.

The roommate also tries to irritate and even convert his roommates. He does so by, among other things, playing the Muslim call to prayer loudly on his phone. When his Christian roommates object, he again gets angry and starts shouting.

Lastly, Mr. Bashir recorded a phone call with the authorities about this matter. Like him and his roommate, they are too afraid to intervene, fearing it’ll make the radical Muslim refugees go wild. In the end, a “solution” is offered: the two Christians are allowed to move into another room. Obviously, Mr. Bashir rejects that offer because it means that he, once again, has to take a step back in order to placate fundamentalist Muslims; that’s exactly why he left Pakistan in the first place.

The video and appeal for help have caused a firestorm in the Netherlands, where increasingly more people are worried about the effects of mass-immigration from Muslim countries. Many of these immigrants call themselves refugees, but refuse to assimilate. They’re also, more often than not, fundamentalists themselves who have zero tolerance for people of other faiths.

NEVER ending…unless…

EVEN more so, no one should be foolish enough to believe that Euro Islamic-lickers are in the forefront with their submission. Not at all. In fact, their American counterparts are as supine as one can get, even without crawling on their bellies. More specifically, the Pentagon has become a (dangerous) laughingstock, as it submits U.S. troops to Islam. That too is that.

CONSIDER (ex) Rep. Allen West’s (submission) assessment, himself a battle hardened retired Lt. Colonel:

I often tell folks that when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide. I have no problem respecting others, but it MUST be a two-way exchange. Recently, we learned of the U.S. ambassador in Indonesia who made the decision — or someone did — to change the 4th of July celebration at the embassy to 4th of June. This was done to respect Ramadan. Needless to say, the ambassador has forgotten that an embassy is sovereign U.S. territory and all festivities easily could have been done after sunset — you know, fireworks, hot dogs, hamburgers and such.

And now our men and women serving in the Middle East have received a reminder about respecting Ramadan. As reported in the Weekly Standard

A top commander in southwest Asia reminded U.S military personnel stationed in Muslim countries in the Middle East of the restrictions placed on them during Ramadan. According to a report by the U.S. Air Forces Central Command Public Affairs, Brig. Gen. John Quintas, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing commander in Southwest Asia, said that the U.S. is “committed to the concepts of tolerance, freedom and diversity.” But he added that soldiers should “become more informed and appreciative of the traditions and history of the people in this region of the world… [R]emember we are guests here and that the host nation is our shoulder-to-shoulder, brothers and sisters in arms, risking their lives for our common cause to defeat terrorism.” 

During the 30-day religious celebration of Ramadan, even non-Muslims are expected to obey local laws regarding eating, drinking, and using tobacco in public. Violators can be fined up to $685 or receive two months in jail. A spokesperson for United States Central Command [CENTCOM] said that “we are not aware of any specific instances of anyone being arrested” for such violations. 

For military personnel outside of U.S.-controlled areas, the only exceptions for the rules are for those “performing strenuous labor.” Such personnel are “authorized to drink and consume as much food as they need to maintain proper hydration and energy.” It is unclear what constitutes “strenuous labor” or whether additional exceptions might be made during a heatwave affecting some areas of the region that has taken hundreds of lives.

Again, I’ve no issue with respect, but already our troops in the region are told not to display crosses, Bibles or anything that might be considered offensive to Muslims. And did you know that no non-Muslim is allowed to visit Mecca or Medina? Can you imagine if we in America said no Muslims could visit Washington, D.C.? Here in the United States, recall the instances of Muslim student organizations — with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood — demanding the film “American Sniper” not be shown on several college campuses — Universities of Missouri, Michigan and Maryland.

So how much acquiescence must be granted? There’s actually a term for this,dhimmitude, which means subservience. Now, the islamapologists and others will call me a bigot and hate monger. But heck, I’m just asking questions and pointing out inconsistencies. Not a lot of mutual respect being shown to Christians in the region — Assyrians, Chaldeans and Coptics — whose historic communities existed long before Islam.

Consider this: what if the U.S. military chain of command came down and mandated respect for a Christian celebration? And don’t start frothing because last Christmas season the dining facility at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) was ordered taken down. Also, we know religious references and symbols at the venerable Air Force Academy Chapel’s windows were assaulted by atheist groups. So is there a bit of a hypocrisy in ordering our military to observe the celebrations of one religion while challenging another’s?

At GITMO, the guards are told to wear gloves when handling the Koran. Hate to bring this up, but these unlawful enemy combatants are in GITMO because of incendiary verses from that book. And yet, our men and women in the military are ordered to show respect to that book — while over in the Middle East theater or in Islamic countries, they’re told to not show the Judeo-Christian holy book, the Bible.

Yes, I know, the liberal progressive socialists and allies of the Islamo-fascists are fuming mad at me — why? All I’m advocating is for equity in respect and regard — nothing more. Is it no longer possible for us to hold our own heads up in pride? Remember that after conquering Mecca (circa 628 A.D.) in the Battle of the Trenches, Mohammed issued a letter to the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius demanding conversion, subjugation (dhimmi status and jizya tax) or death. That’s articulated in the traditions of Mohammed known as the Hadith’s and historically accurate.

See, there’s an interesting new definition of the word “coexistence.” It means surrender. It means that whether in Islamic or western lands, we’re told what’s acceptable — and sadly, we’re acquiescing. Now, I’m not talking about being disrespectful. But I ain’t about to just be punked either.

The statement, [R]emember we are guests here and that the host nation is our shoulder-to-shoulder, brothers and sisters in arms, risking their lives for our common cause to defeat terrorism — for me, shouldn’t mean that we don’t consent to mutual respect. I would also say, “remember you are guests in America and placing our citizens on fatwa hit lists is unacceptable.”

I have respect for Islam, everything prior to 622 AD — but y’all lost me after al Hijra. And if there are folks out there who don’t know what I’m talking about, then get a book and read. And stop being a dummy dhimmi.

Molon Labe!

WRETCHED betrayal….

IS it any wonder that Frank Gaffney, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy in the Reagan Administrationcompares Islam to the plague? And, that this investigative journalist is in TOTAL agreement, being fully steeped in the ins and outs of Islam + jihad?

Tommy Waller, a U.S. Marine veteran and the legislative outreach director for the group, said he had fought the enemy on the battlefields of the Middle East, but that he did not truly understand them until he joined the center. The enemy has “existed for 1,400 years” and “at the expense of 270 million lives,” he said.

Doctors study medicine, Waller continued, “but we don’t study something that has brought devastation to nearly the same number of humans as the plague.”

The Center for Security Policy, billed as a policy shop for national security concerns, has emerged in recent years as the go-to think tank for the truth about Islam. The group hosted two summits for GOP presidential candidates this year, and regularly advises lawmakers. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., spoke at the event on Monday.

Frank Gaffney, the founder and president of the center, has claimed that President Obama may be a secret Muslim (he IS a Muslim and it’s no secret)and that Justice Elana Kagan enabled the imposition of Sharia law. Gaffney and the center have whipped up anti-Islamic rage across the country, supporting efforts to block the construction of a mosque in Tennessee and a Muslim community center (Ground Zero Victory Mosque) in New York.


The gala also featured a fiery speech by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Audience members included former Attorney General Michael Mukasey and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro.

At the end of the event, Gaffney said he fiercely opposed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s expected bid for the White House on the ground that Christie had once appointed a Muslim judge who had defended 9/11 terrorists. Gaffney praised Mike Huckabee and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for expressing a “greater degree of clarity” on the threat of radical Islam and “Muslim Brotherhood fronts” in America. Gaffney said he is still undecided about Jeb Bush.

STIPULATED, it is no secret that this site is in the hands of a highly conservative American patriot, as well as an Israeli Zionist nationalist to boot. A double lightening rod. Regardless, these attributes have struck a chord with millions of readers, thank you for that. On the other side of the spectrum, countless have threatened this and that, hoping to quiet down these same messages. Truths. Well, good luck with said fruitless mission. Chasing ghosts.

INHERENTLY, readers should be mindful that certain Jewish dictums are always in the forefront, some more strongly than others. This is the case whether living in America or Israel. The point being, anyone who attempts to burn down the U.S. or Israel, collectively or as a “lone wolf”, deserves the same fate – no mercy! 

MOST significantly, there is a very clear dictum in the Fifth Book of The Old Testament, one which should always be followed, regardless of one’s persuasion. It is universal. “Justice, Justice, Shall You Pursue” …Tzedek, Tzedek, Tirdof… צדק צדק תרדוף –(Shoftim, Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9) is a guiding compass to execute what is just and moral. Know this: once lost, the price exacted is often incalculable. 

CONCOMITANTLY, “He Who Becomes Compassionate To The Cruel Will Ultimately Become Cruel To The Compassionate.” – Midrash Rabba, Ecclesiastes 7:16 .

SELF explanatory. Declaratory.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

4 thoughts on “Islam, A Pox On America’s (West’s) House…Burning It Down. Where Are The Fire Marshals?? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. Pingback: Islam, A Pox On America’s (West’s) House…Burning It Down. Where Are The Fire Marshals?? | Islam Exposed Online

  2. Islam is a Cancer on the world…Mohammed was a child molesting Barbarian….The only redeeming quality is their desire to kill each other…Sunni verses Shiite…I will fight these sons and daughters of Satan until Hell freezes over…then I’ll fight’em on the ice…!

  3. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Islam, A Pox On America’s (West’s) House…Burning It Down. Where Are The Fire Marshals??

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