Sunni Islam’s Highest Authority: PEDOPHILIA Kosher, Halal! Say What? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Muslim girl{This little toddler is “kosher” to marry, so deemed by the highest authorities in Saudi Arabia, Sunni Islam’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh…others will follow suit!}

THE normative legal definition of the crime of pedophilia is very clear and without ambiguity. It specifies sexual engagement – direct contact with males or females – who are under the legal age of consent. Child molestation is its cornerstone.

IT matters not a whit that the medical community has labeled it a “disease”, as has been done with addiction, specifically alcoholism. In others words, when material harm is caused to another, it is neither here nor there – to the victim – what labels are used to “explain” away ones actions. 

NOW, no one who is honestly familiar with the “Black Heart(s)” of Islam can deny: its underpinnings support the most heinous crimes imaginable. That’s a fact.

David Gaubatz:

When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people. These terrorists said the attacks would not necessarily be physical attacks, but rather a slow indoctrination in U.S. public schools and universities. The indoctrinating would include the Islamic ideology is peaceful and even as non-Muslims they support Islam and the Muslim people.

I have had several Islamic leaders tell me that Muslims who practice ‘Pure Islam’ have what is called ‘Black Hearts’. These Muslims had no conscience, feelings, emotions, love or caring about anything or anyone aside from Allah. Essentially they have no souls. They have an empty heart. These people have no feelings for even their own children; needless to say they have no feelings for children who are not theirs. It is just as easy for them to behead a neighbor child as it would be to behead even their own children. Children are simply a tool for them to use to achieve their ultimate goal of an Islamic Ummah (nation) under Shariah law.

Based on my experiences and studies, the Islamic ideology itself is a dangerous and violent weapon. The true enemies of the non-Muslim world are the ideology of Islam. We can fight and defeat Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the dozens of other Islamic acronyms, but we will lose in the end if at some point we do target the ideology they teach within most mosques. When someone discusses the Hitler ideology of hate and violence, almost automatically people get a sour feeling in their stomachs. Most people realize the ideology of Hitler was a danger to the whole world. Sadly in order to defeat Islamic based terrorists we must have the same sour feeling in our stomach when Islam itself is discussed. Islam is not loving and peaceful and Mohammed never intended for it to be.

AND if more substantive proof is required re the way Islam treats women and children, well, slavery and Islam’s “dancing boys” should suffice – or not.

BUT to understand the latest Islamic fatwa…فتاوى…is to internalize what it means, both from an Islamic jurisprudence rendering and a cultural one.

INTRINSICALLY, while sex with children has always been an Islamic “norm”, the fact that it is now a MAJOR legal rendering, well….

You should know that the “religion of peace” says it’s perfectly okay for an adult male to “marry,” that is, rape the girl.

F. Michael Maloof reports for WND, Jan. 3, 2015, that none other than Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh, the country’s top religious authority in the ultra-conservative Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam, has ruled it’s acceptable for men to marry girls so young the West would deem it nothing short of pedophilia and rape.

As Grand Mufti, Abdulaziz is president of the Supreme Council of Ulema (Islamic scholars) and chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Issuing Fatwas, which means he speaks authoritatively in Islamic teachings.

The Saudi justice ministry had tried but failed to set 15 as a minimum age to marry a girl in the kingdom. But Grand Mufti Abdulaziz does it even “better,” declaring there is nothing prohibiting Muslim men from marrying girls even younger.

Saudi Grand Mufti Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh

Grand Mufti Abdulzaiz’s more recent ruling on marrying young girls comes following a similar ruling in 2011 by Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of the Saudi’s highest religious council, who issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that there is no minimum age to marry girls, “even if they are in the cradle.”

There is nothing in Islamic, or Shariah law, that sets a minimum age limit on marrying girls.

Scholars say the age of marrying young girls and consummating the “marriage” is based on the example set by Muhammad when he married Aisha when she was no more than seven years of age, consummating the marriage when she was nine.

“The grand point of the Saudi fatwa, however, is not that girls as young as nine can be married, based on Muhammad’s example, but rather that there is no age limit whatsoever,” Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim writes in Middle East Forum. “The only question open to consideration is whether the girl is physically capable of handling her ‘husband.’ The lives of countless young girls are devastated because of this teaching.”

Ibrahim cited the cases of an 8-year-old girl who died on her “wedding” night when her “husband” raped her; and a 10-year-old girl who hid from her 80-year-old “husband.”

Grand Mufti Abdulaziz and Fawzan’s fatwas come even as Saudi men have been reportedly purchasing young girls from Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan.

As WND recently reported, rich Saudi Arabian men – some associated with the Saudi royal family – have been purchasing for their sexual pleasure Syrian girls and young women from among the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war conflict to Lebanon and Jordan.

Most of these Saudi men are said to be in their 60s and 70s. When they tire of the girls, they often hand them off to other men.

“They come into Lebanon and Jordan and go to the Syrian refugee camps where the Syrian families there have nothing,” one Lebanese source told WND. “The Saudis then offer $200 for girls aged 9 to 14 years and take them from their families. Because the families are so desperate for money, they give in to the temptation.”

The United States, allied with Saudi Arabia, has been silent on its treatment of young girls.

MIND you, whenever a truth-teller posits that Islam’s “prophet”, Muhammad, was a pedophile – plus other charges  – the fury which hails from Muslims and their apologists rains down like wild fire. Explosive-laden.


GRANTED, pedophilia is rampant throughout the west. And the putrid fact is that its vile grasp reaches into the lowest strata of society to the highest. It is an equal opportunity scourge.

GO ask those who hob nob with kingpin Jeffrey Epstein – accused pedophile du jour of the jet set – namely, Billy boy Clinton aka Bubba, global warming huskster Al Gore, Prince Andrew and all the rest of the movers and shakers who either partook, or knew but looked aside. Israel’s ex PM Ehud Barak (when he was Defense Minister) flew on Epstein’s private jet and likely witnessed this and that deviance and criminal behavior, but that didn’t stop him (or other high level politicians et al.) from palling around with a pedophile! Oh my…

It has previously been reported that at varying times President Clinton, Prince Andrew, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, New Mexico’s ex-governor Bill Richardson and the former US treasury secretary Larry Summers had all been passengers on Epstein’s fleet of private jets

MONSTROUS appetites…the whole damnable lot of them.

NEVERTHELESS, no religion, other than Islam’s death cult, sanctions it!

IF the argument becomes, well, the above is a distinction without a difference, then there is little left to say, other than that Islam is compatible with “acceptable” western norms (other than those held by deviants who are rich, poor or in between) and we should all just get over it. Go back to sleep.

AS porky pig has been known to say, that’s all folks!

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

{re-blogged at Joe For America}

10 thoughts on “Sunni Islam’s Highest Authority: PEDOPHILIA Kosher, Halal! Say What? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

  1. It starts with Moham who was so ugly, sickly & deformed that he had to force himself on others, & his god allah who “says” that he, & his laws sharia, must be forced upon the whole world “tho they will HATE it” , that force is normal!

  2. Adina! Adina! How do you get away with revealing the truth? Well done, but very few people have been listening. Maybe, only maybe, events in Paris today might just begin to turn the tide. Western civilization would appear to have run its course and the calibre of leadership over the last two decades is pretty clear evidence of that. The Greeks have a word them, kakistocrats, all of them. They have betrayed, in every sense, the very people that elected them. On the other hand, perhas it speaks more of the electorate than it does of the politicians, because it must be said, people generally deserve the governments they get. Let’s wait and see how the kakistocracies in the West react to this latest Islamic outrage. Hitherto, for whatever reason, they have been in denial; there might be a faint glimmer of hope in that the perpetrators have been described as Islamic gunmen!

  3. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Sunni Islam’s Highest Authority: PEDOPHILIA Kosher, Halal! Say What?

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  5. Pingback: Israel's Voice | Islam’s Pit Of Hellfire: Severed Heads For Soccer & Husbands Can Eat Wives! Islam, Civilization’s Gravest Threat

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  7. Pingback: Israel's Voice | CANNIBALISM Rooted Within Islamic Shariah Law: A Prime (Meat) Clash of Cultures!

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