Marines Arrest U.S. Ambassador to U.N. For Treason — Wanted “Blue Helmet” “Peacekeeping Force” to Monitor 2024 Presidential Election; Rush to Protect SCJ Samuel Alito

By Adina Kutnicki

It has been incessantly hammered within, ad infinitum, as well as at several well-trafficked, uncensored, political/security sites: Never and never will “45” be allowed to re-enter 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! 

Period. Full-stop.

Along this trajectory of anti-American/crooked/illegal/chaos-engineered twisted terrain, well, more than meets the eye is underfoot. Much more.

Indeed, know this: The above evidentiary trails are the tip of the DemonRat’s spear.

Nevertheless, ‘insurance’ policies stand at the ready, that is, just in case their well-laid plans go awry. You just never know.

As such, this is where ‘White Hat’ military forces; righteous patriots of the highest magnitude — in juxtaposition to ‘Black Hat’-aligned military formations, yes, under the Demonic control of Obama 3.0 — jump into action. Whatever it takes.

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June 17, 2024

United States Marines on Thursday arrested U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield on charges of conspiracy to commit election fraud and treason after implicating her in a heinous plot to have United Nations “observers” and “peacekeepers” monitor polling locations on Election Night 2024, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Thomas-Greenfield was nominated by Joseph R. Biden to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations as well as the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations on January 20, 2021, and the Senate confirmed her three days later. Our source said White Hats hadn’t considered her a threat until discovering her treachery last week.

Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, he added, intercepted an audio conversation between Thomas Greenfield and U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, who White Hats had previously declared an “international” criminal when his name surfaced at Merrick Garland’s military tribunal in March.

“This guy despises President Trump even though Trump hasn’t done anything to him. These roaches just keep crawling out of the woodwork. Based on what we know, in this case, Thomas-Greenfield solicited his help, not the other way around,” our source said.

On the intercepted call, Thomas-Greenfield is heard formally requesting U.N. assistance to safeguard polling locations from “MAGA insurrectionists and disloyal U.S. military elements” eager to destabilize the election by intimidating Democrat voters. Biden, she said, expects that MAGA antagonists will encircle polling locales in blue counties throughout the nation, antagonizing, traumatizing, and terrorizing peaceful Democrats, depriving them of their constitutional right to reelect Joseph Biden, and the country of an equitable election. She also made a shocking acknowledgment: An alarming number of military commanders had lost confidence in the administration and were unlawfully aiding President Trump’s “personal war of attrition” against lawfully elected Democrats. Biden, she said, could no longer rely on calling up the National Guard to repel military traitors and Trump’s unstoppable MAGA.

“Tell me something I do not know,” Lacroix told her. “I cannot enter the U.S. anymore because they will burn me at the stake.”

“They’re hanging innocent people, not burning them,” Thomas-Greenfield corrected him.

“Same thing. Americans will not tolerate U.N. peacekeepers. And this would put our people at risk,” Lacroix said.

She said the consequence of a few skirmishes was insignificant compared to what would happen if Donald Trump again sat in the Oval Office—severing all ties to the U.N. and irrevocably terminating the funding of over 600 U.N. programs.

“The bankrolling would end then and there,” she told Lacroix. “And President Biden wouldn’t announce the peacekeepers until a day or two before the election. He and Obama will hold a press conference calling it necessary to preserve election integrity, and the people, enough of them, will believe it. They’ll believe whatever we tell them. We’ll make sure they have good reason to.”

She went on to say that 60,000-70,000 peacekeepers ought to be sufficient to reinforce the FBI and Homeland Security forces already scheduled to watch polling stations for MAGA insurgents and military mutineers on Election Day.

She said, “We’ll arrange it so people here welcome peacekeepers with open arms,” but she didn’t specify how exactly the administration would make it a reality.

Nonetheless, Lacroix replied that he would submit the proposal to his superior, ostensibly António Guterres, and respond to her once he had an answer.

White Hats made certain Thomas-Greenfield wouldn’t be available to receive that call.

Early Thursday morning, Marines disarmed the wireless alarm at her Queens, New York, residence and discreetly made entry, catching Thomas-Greenfield and her husband, Lafayette M. Greenfield, sleeping soundly in bed. By the time the couple realized a half-dozen armed Marines were in their bedroom, they’d already been injected with a fast-acting sedative that quickly rendered them unconscious.

“We suspect the husband knew of her crimes and is complicit. He’ll be tried with her,” our source said. “They’re not talking, naturally, and are at a holding facility.”

Asked what fortuitous happenstance led Cyberspace Command to overhear the phone call, he said White Hats have eyes and ears everywhere and have been monitoring Lacroix’s correspondences since his and Obama’s faces popped up on the ZOOM call shown at Garland’s tribunal.

In closing, he said the term “U.N. Peacekeepers” is a misnomer; what the U.N. calls peacekeepers is actually an armed invasion force.

“If we see even one blue helmet out there, we’re shooting to kill. Hopefully, Lacroix, and we’ll get him some time, will figure out we got her and abandon any thoughts of landing blue helmets in the United States of America.”

Alongside the above, and in rapid response thereof, the forever endangered conservative justices on the Supreme Court are in the unrestrained cross-hairs of Deep State Mafia goons, elected and unelected.

Mind you, just in case, heaven forfend, the monsters within ‘succeed’ in capturing their target, they always have a stable of doppelgangers to trot out as stand-ins, voice-coached inflections and all!

Onto the referenced ‘insurance’ policy…..


June 12, 2024

United States Marines are bodyguarding Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, Real Raw News has learned.

The deployment took place Monday after specialists at U.S. Army Cyber Command overheard a conversation between Kamala Harris and Senator Chuck Schumer, in which they made veiled threats against the Alitos for flying “politically affiliated” flags at their homes and, later, promising to retaliate against newsmongers who misconstrued the flag-flying to generate clicks for controversy.

“We really must do something about Justice Alito and his wife,” Harris told Schumer.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Schumer replied.

“That depends on what you’re thinking, Chuck, but probably yes,” Harris said.

The Alito ordeal started last month when unfurled “Appeal to Heaven” and upside-down American flags were spotted at the couple’s homes. The flags are symbols of Christianity and patriotism, respectively, but the media incorrectly linked them to right-wing extremism and White nationalism and challenged Alito’s ability to equitably interpret the law.

Justice Alito responded to the absurdity by saying his wife had raised the flags not as political statements but as a response to a neighbor’s personal attacks. The media, however, seldom accepts rational explanations and amplified the spread of vitriolic hatred toward the Alitos, even calling for Justice Alito’s immediate resignation.

The White Hats at ARCYBER who earwigged Harris and Schumer’s powwow said the Deep State wants Alito “eliminated” if he will not recuse himself from the bench or retire to some far-off corner of the world. Our sources at ARCYBER said the Harris-Schumer conversation was one of several threats overheard in the last few weeks.

“It’s no secret the Deep State wants the conservative majority ousted. I can’t go into every example, but credible chatter about Alito increased dramatically after the flag nonsense. It’s our belief the Deep Staters might arrange some sort of accident for him, and because of that, we informed General Smith and his people,” the source said.

Our source said that General Smith had reviewed the intelligence and had spoken with Justice Alito. Alito initially opposed having Marines stationed at his residences, saying they’d be an evident and burdensome inconvenience when his and his wife’s lives underwent microscopic scrutiny. But hearing recordings of Deep Staters’ tacit and explicit threats convinced Justice Alito to acquiesce, especially after hearing Harris refer to Mrs. Alito as a “fuc*** bitch” in need of a deep hole in the ground.  The general assured the Alitos his vigilant and combat-hardened Marines would remain inconspicuous and appear from the shadows only if they sensed imminent threats.

Still, Alito had reservations. He asked General Smith why he needed Marine protection when it was the job of the U.S. Marshals Service to safeguard Supreme Court justices. The general noted that the Marshals Service operated under the auspices of Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice and, therefore, could not be trusted. In fact, he told Alito that White Hats last year arrested six U.S. Marshals for plotting to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanah. This was new news to Real Raw News, and we are following up on those arrests.

As of this writing, an unknown number of Marines have reinforced the Alitos’ properties, with orders to use “lethal force” against Deep State assailants eager to remove Justice Alito from the judicial battlefield.

“The Marines are there and will act to protect Justice Alito at all cost,” our source said.

As an aside, White Hats want more information on why Justice Clarence Thomas admitted to visiting Bohemian Grove, a 1,200-acre Deep State enclave in Monte Rio, California, known for ritualistically torturing and sacrificing children to demonic deities, in 2019.

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{ADDENDUM: Bear uppermost in mind — To stifle the truth-telling found at this site, FB’s censors have “zeroed-out” all of my articles via their “Boom and Ban” censors ala their ubiquitous “Community Standards” — as they hunt me up and down the internet like rabid dogs to their prey! No kidding. This is just some of FB’s modus operandi, what is now deemed their “love notes” to yours truly:This URL goes against our Community Standards on spam: adinakutnicki.files.wordpress.comACTIVITY

About your post Today at 4:34 PM: No one else can see your post.And so on and so forth. In fact, just recently, each article at my “parent site”, ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, had its FB registered shares go from the hundreds, with some up to the many thousands, to a big, fat ZERO. In other words, all my shares have gone down the rabbit hole. Just like that. Poof. Gone. As such, take it to the bank that each and every conservative voice which reaches a wide readership will, sooner than later, be CENSORED. MUTED.} MESSAGE FAILED: This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems. If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}

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